His tone let me know without a doubt that this wasn’t an invitation. I had to do as they say or else.

“After you,” I told them and pointed toward the door.

“No.” This from Hayes.

“Is there something wrong, Head Chief?”

“Not until she answers my question. Who was the ‘friend’ you went out with tonight?”

“That matter is irrelevant. We need to follow our orders, Sir.”

“Are you questioning me, Soldat?” The Irish Butcher got into the man’s face. “Do I need to remind you she’s under my command?”

This was technically true, although not completely correct. I was on my way to completing the analyst program, but until I graduated from the Academy, I remained an initiate.

“No, Sir.”

“I’m going to interrogate anyone I want. Is this understood?”

“Sir, yes, Sir.”

“Now, answer my question, Initiate Murdoch. Where were you and what were you up to?”

“I’m not up to anything. I simply had supper with a friend,” I replied. Hayes grabbed me and twisted my arm, making me sharply inhale in pain.

“I don’t believe you.”

“I’m telling you the truth,” I pant.

“No, you’re not.”

I screamed when he almost ripped out my limb, and Ghost rammed into him despite his broken arm.

I took advantage of the distraction and swiped the legs of the soldier standing next to me. Because he wasn’t expecting it, he knocked his head against the flooring, hard enough to weaken him, and I knocked him unconscious with a left hook straight to the face.

The fight between my mentor and my former team leader was even more savage, as Ghost grabbed Hayes’ gun from him and pointed it at the fucker.

“That’s enough!” A newcomer came in, making everyone freeze. I recognized him right away, even though I hadn’t seen him in years.

Captain Edward Sorenson, the Commander’s man.

He was standing next to Connie and holding her by the hair. The muzzle of his gun was pressed against her temple.

“Let her go,” Ghost panted.

“You first, Team Leader. This woman’s life has no value to me. Can you look me in the eye and say the same thing?”

“All right, stay calm. I’m going to release him,” my mentor stated, as he slowly let Hayes go.

But of course, it didn’t end that easily.

What followed was a series of disastrous events that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

When Ghost released the Irish Butcher, the two struggled for his gun and fired off a random shot that startled Sorenson.

The captain accidentally pulled the trigger of his gun as a result, and Ghost and I had to watch a beautiful woman, who’d never hurt anyone in her life, die before our very eyes.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” My mentor and I screamed in anguish.