“She told you to get lost, dude,” a behemoth with icy green eyes growled.

“OK, OK. There’s no need for violence, sheesh.” The newcomer released him.

“All you had to say was no,” he slurred before he vacated his seat.

I ignored the drunk preferring to stare warily at the big guy in front of me. I frowned even more when he went for his hoodie and tugged on it, showing a hard six-pack.

I had to admit, I felt pretty stupid when I just sat there and gawked at the boy’s hard stomach instead of getting into a defensive position.

He closed my mouth for me, and winked, making me feel even stupider.

“I leave you alone for one second, and you almost get mauled by a stranger.” The new guy smiled, showing a set of pearly whites and adorable dimpled cheeks that should be illegal on anyone over the age of five.


“You don’t recognize me, Jelly Fish? This ought to help.” He turned his back to me, so I could read the familiar name on the jersey.

“Egghead?” I blinked and judging from his satisfied smirk, the jerk knew the effect he had on my young teenage hormones.

“Don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful.”

That quickly snapped me out of my reverie.

“Please, I’ve seen better.”

“No, you haven’t.”

“You know, Pantene probably has trademarks on that.”

I squealed when he lifted me off the bench and kissed the life out of me.

What. The. Heck.

If it had been anyone else, they would be walking with a limp right about now. But because it’s my egghead, I grabbed on tighter and hoped he never let me go.

The kiss was magical, like cotton candy and chocolate wrapped into one. His lips were soft and tender. It felt like I found my home when he pressed them against mine.

“Hey, beautiful.”

We smiled at each other when Moose pulled away, and the happiness he felt shined through as he dropped me to my feet.

“How are you doing? Did you have a hard time getting here?”

My body closed off at the reminder. “No.”

“What happened?”

“I don’t wanna talk about it.”

He sat next to me and silently waited.

“I got into a fight with Ghost. He didn’t want me to come because he thinks we’re playing with fire.”

“He’s not wrong.”

“Did you tell anyone you were coming here?”

“Are you kidding me? If Winthrop knew what we were doing, he’d castrate me in a second. That boy has a screw loose up there,” he stated with a tap on his temple.