We will help you save her. Please, my friend, don’t do this.

I smiled at the typical Bones’ answer. I always knew this boy had more heart than brains.

Because no, I wouldn’t submit a two-year-old child to living as a fugitive for the rest of her life. I wouldn’t cut my ties to Winthrop and Eric. More importantly, I wouldn’t stand by and do nothing while the Guild hunted us down one by one.

My future is with them.

Bones looked at me pensively before nodding. He may not have understood my decision, but he would respect it.

“We really need to go,” Cajun stated when Surinam cried out.

“Go, I will distract them for as long as I can to give you a head start.”

“Thank you,” the Cajun said as he smiled at me. He knew this would be the last time we’d be in each other’s presence.

Bones and I got out of the car and hugged each other.

Thank you. For everything. If you ever need us, you know what to do.

Be safe. Disappear. Trust no one.I signed.

When the trio left, I hitchhiked back to the compound, at peace with my decision. Sadly, this was short-lived.

The first thing I saw in the compound driveway was four massive Humvees. There were men dressed in battle gear running around everywhere, so I snuck into my room as quickly as I could.

I was in the middle of changing my bloodstained clothes when the door to my room opened for the second time that night.

“Initiate Murdoch?”


“Please follow me.”


I was crouched unto myself to retain heat as much as I could and sang my mother’s favorite song.

It was that, or I curse my stupidity for the hundredth time. The thing kept landing me in one jam after another. I knew I should have tied those idiots to their bed instead of going back to sleep.

Now, look where I am.

Although they eventually cleared me of any wrongdoings related to the hacking of the Federal Reserve, the Guild interrogated me on the defection of my friends.

They wanted to know if I took part in their escape and didn’t believe me when I told them I hadn’t known what they were planning. Even if I had, do you seriously see me spilling my guts to them?

When the interrogation didn’t work, they threw me in a run-down shack in the middle of the desert without food or water to “think about what I’d done and where I wanted to go from here”.

That was what? Two days ago? Maybe three?

It was freezing cold at night, and meltingly hot during the day. But the worst part was the dehydration. I was so parched, it felt like sand whenever I swallowed.

My mind felt like lead, which probably explained why I didn’t react when a sound came out of nowhere.

“Pssssst… Jelly Fish.”

Huh? If I didn’t know better, I could have sworn it was my egghead. But that wasn’t possible. I haven’t heard from him in over a year. Not since they sent me to this place. Why would he be in this desert with me?

“Over here, babe.” I looked through the hole in the boards and almost jumped two feet high when a beautiful boy stared back at me.