“No,” I stated as I headed back to my bed. It was way too early for their theatrics.

“Come on, Orion. We can’t do it without you.”

“My point exactly. Don’t do it. It’s a stupid plan. If something goes wrong, it will bring the cavalry to our door.”

Marlow forgot all about me after she put me here, and that is how I liked it. I wasn’t willing to go back for anyone.

“Speak for yourself, darlin’.”

“Oh, will you stop with the fake accent? You’re from New Jersey, not the bayou,” I told him impatiently, and the fiend chuckled.

Think of the street cred we’ll get if we pull this off.Bones signed excitedly.

“Don’t tell me you’re in on this as well?” The boy smiled in response.

Bones was born with a speech defect and couldn’t talk because of this. I learned ASL to understand him.

I normally wouldn’t have, but the people in charge of the facility put us together on several projects, and it was easier for him to teach me ASL than to carry a pen and a piece of paper everywhere.

I never regretted my decision. In the boy, I met a kindred spirit. Bones was magic with source code siphoning and the two of us operated on the same wavelength. We were completely computer crazy and challenged the other to become better.

That he was willing to go through with this made me sigh because I knew I wouldn’t be able to convince the knuckleheads away from this fool’s errand.

“You know what’s going to happen if you get caught, right?”

The boy rearranged the large pair of glasses that took up most of his face and signed.

Yeah, I do.

“When did you become a pussy?” Surinam, AKA the bitch from hell, asked.

Suri and I called a cease-fire after our first meeting. We were cordial and had mad respect for each other’s abilities, but I wouldn’t call us buddies. Even less so when she’s taking part in this lunacy and dragging my friends with her.

Would you believe these three idiots were going to hit the Federal Reserve? They got it in their head to play Robin Hood by transferring a large amount to a small charity in SoCal.

Before they could do that, however, they had to sneak into the compound’s control room and access the server from the inside.

I may have given you the impression the people in charge of the facility were morons, but they really weren’t.

They knew how dangerous the four of us were with a computer and blocked any frequency transmission that would enable us to go on the Web.

Infiltrating the control room for this was sheer craziness, and I told them so. Repeatedly.

Come with us.

“No, I’m going back to sleep.”

You don’t know what you’re missing.

“Yes, I do. Jail.” I turned on my side, plumped my pillow, and yawned in my bunk bed. All I wanted to do was sleep.

“Come on, Bones, let’s go. The party pooper over there doesn’t want to play.”

I flipped her off without opening my eyelids. I was so tired, I didn’t hear them leave.

Two hours later, a loud banging woke me up. I jumped up when somebody threw open the door, and Bones and the Cajun came in carrying an injured Surinam.

“What the hell happened?” I shouted.