I could feel them watching me from the control room on the other side of the mirror, accompanied by a team of analysts and computer technicians whose sole purpose was to monitor my progress.

They explained that my mission was to infiltrate the US Department of Defense and retrieve a file called Pandora without detection.

They wouldn’t tell me what was in the file, nor what they wanted to do with it, but considering who I was hacking and the level of security it had, it couldn’t possibly be good.

I hadn’t known they would ask me to infiltrate the Pentagon but knew my first mission would be major, so I came prepared.

The worm I created for this occasion could infiltrate any system by generating a backdoor through the server. The technology was virtually impossible to detect because once it was inside your system, it adapted its coding to hide in plain sight.

The worm would allow me to go in, download enough source code on the Pandora Project to satisfy the Guild, and get the hell out of there before people investigated the security breach.

For those who didn’t understand what I just said, don’t worry about it.

All you have to remember is, if you try something like that, a bunch of armed men will appear in your home, and you’ll be jailed for the next five years of your life.

I had three attempts to get the Pandora file, and everything was going according to plan, until Commander Moore upped the ante.

I was surprised to everlasting hell when I was zapped by an electrical shockwave at the first wall.

“What the hell?” I hurriedly removed my fingers and blew on the light burn marks. This interrupted my coding for five seconds, but it was long enough for the safeguard in my program to kick me out.

“You didn’t think we were going to make this easy, did you?” The man laughed over the intercom. “Be careful with those traps. You don’t want to be burned into a crisp now.”

Great. The Guild just added another layer of complexity to an already tough assignment.

The second time, I ignored the pain and persevered to the third level of security. But the more I move forward, the harder it became because the bastards increased the voltage.

When I got to the fourth level, the pain became too much, and I had to retreat.

“ARGHHHHHH,” I screamed and paced the room in frustration while my fingers felt like they were melting.

I should have known they would rig the test and set me up to fail. They wanted to push me to see what I was made of. Well, fuck them very much.

“Last chance, Initiate Murdoch,” Marlow declared through the intercom as I stared at the keyboard and then at the double-sided mirror.

Clear your mind. Focus, there is always a way out. But you won’t be able to see it if your mind is cluttered.


Instead of keying in the codes like I did before, I quickly went through all the information on my screen until I found what I was looking for.

My fingers were typing in commands faster than I had ever typed before. I knew the team of technicians on the other side were scrambling to follow, but I was too quick for them.

I smiled when they tried to block me by sending an electrical jolt and walked right into my trap.

Their action triggered the fire alarm, and someone screamed in surprise when the water sprinkler turned on and drenched all the computers in the control room in one spectacular burst.

“Someone stop her!”

The guards tried to get into my room but couldn’t because I deactivated their passes.

Freed from any hindrance, I pursued my target with a single-mindedness you don’t see on a normal fourteen-year-old.

These clowns had a lapse in judgment when they gave me three shots at this.

I now had all the shortcuts I needed to breeze through the first three levels of security. By the fourth level, I no longer cared if I got caught, so I drove into it like a battering ram.

Their second mistake was trying to teach me a lesson. If they really wanted to see what I was made of, all they had to do was ask. Instead, they tried to put me in my place.