“Had. Past tense. She died a couple of years ago during a mission.”

“I’m sorry.” And I was. Losing a family member was a heartache I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

“Thank you. You remind me a lot of her when she was your age.”

Ghost sighed when I stood silently and waited for him to tell me why we were here.

“I don’t like what the American Guild is becoming. Warriors have a code of conduct we must respect at all times. Without it, we’ll turn into the very thing we’re supposed to hunt.”

“And your answer is to rebel?”

“My answer is to set things right, and if it means teaching you how to defend yourself, then so be it.

What they are doing to you isn’t right. I understand you have special skills, but threatening a child? Blackmailing her into doing something? That is not who we are.”

“How do you know this? I wasn’t aware people knew about the circumstances of my stay at the Academy.”

“I did my research on you and called in a couple of favors before I approached you. I had to know why someone so obviously ill-equipped to be here was in the program.”

“Does anyone else know?”

“No, and if I were you, I wouldn’t spread the word either, or you’ll have everyone on your back.”

I stared at him silently, unsure what to say and if I should believe him. “What if I use the knowledge you give me against you?”

“Will you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well, I’ll tell you this. If you do, make sure you don’t miss, because I’m one mean bastard when crossed.”


“But you won’t.”

“How can you be so sure of that?”

“Elites all have special skills. Mine is reading people. As things stand, you attacked your instructor in front of everyone. The only reason you’re still alive is because the Commander ordered it. But you won’t make it to initiation if Hayes has anything to say about it.”

“He deserved it.”

“Yes, he did. All the team leaders agree.”

“Then why is no one saying anything?”

“Guild politics are not what you’re used to. We cannot break the chain of command unless we have irrefutable proof of the person’s wrongdoing.”

“His treatment of me is not enough?”

“No, it isn’t.”

“Jesus.” What the hell did I get myself into?

“I want to train you to see things differently. Fight better, be stronger, and become a warrior.”

“I don’t want to be a warrior. They’ve already pegged me for an analyst position, possibly even an information officer.”

Obviously, I didn’t contradict their assessment of me. The position would give me access to hundreds of millions of terabytes of data I could one day use against the Guild.