Chapter 12

Sarah, 13 years old

Sedona, Arizona

Three months later

Egghead: Hi!

I schooled my face into an impassive mask even though my inner child jumped in happiness when I saw who was texting me.

I was currently in my room, staring at the ceiling, while the other Guild initiatives slept peacefully in the cells next to mine.

Three months have passed since my meeting with Egghead and his friends, and not a day went by without me cursing them to hell.

After Gabriel explained his plan and what each of us had to do, he told me I had to go back to the Guild. I remembered the fight that followed like it was yesterday.

“What? Why?” Eric had shouted angrily.

“We need someone on the inside.”

“You are on the inside. You can’t send her back to those animals.”

“My dad is in, but he doesn’t trust us. He’s keeping us away from the Guild and everything related to it.”

“Then how were you able to get the information you gave me?” I inquired.

“The same way you did, but it’s not enough. A war isn’t fought on the outside. We need people to help us from within.”

“And your solution is to send her there alone?”

“She won’t be. There are others who will help.”

“Then send them.”

“Moose, we have an opportunity here. The Guild wants her. They’re willing to train her, and this is our chance to gain access to their files. We would always know what they’re up to,” Gabe said.


“Moose…” Mace began, only to be interrupted.

“Shut the fuck up. The both of you. We are not sending a defenseless girl to do our dirty work while we stay safely hidden in our nice mansions.”

Mace hit the derelict table in front of him.

“We don’t have a choice, you fucking moron. The men who are after her won’t let go easily. They won’t want to report to the Commander that they lost her, so you can be damn sure they’ll find her one way or another. At least this way, it’ll be on our terms.”

“I know what you’re feeling, Moose. But you need to trust me. You all do,” Gabe declared. “This is the only way.”

I sat there in silence because, at the end of the day, Winthrop was right. I had to go back, I didn’t have a choice.

So, we planned my recapture.

It wasn’t difficult, really. All I had to do was go to a café and turn on my computer. Twenty minutes later, the men entered the facility.

They drove me to the camp, which turned out to be a school for all Guild initiates.

I don’t know how to describe the Academy to someone who’s never been there. But the words gloomy, depressing, and brutal come to mind.