Excellent point.

“Go on. Why would a general be the supreme power in a chapter?”

“A Guild is more like a monarchy of old than a democracy. You can overturn a general, but it’s very hard to do without the backing of the Executive Table.

Until a general is deposed, he has the right of life and death over every member.”

“And people are OK with this? Why would someone subjugate themselves like that? It sounds so medieval,” I asked, horrified.

“Yes, they are. Most generals are benevolent leaders who keep a control over things with an iron fist. When he or she retires, he can name an heir to replace him.

The General is also supported by his or her right hand, the commander. Finally, you have other people reporting to them, like the lieutenants, who head different Guild departments.”

“What happens when they aren’t benevolent?”

“Then, you get the American Guild. You get wars and death.”

“Why would people choose to live like this? How do you know all of this?”

“Because they don’t know better and they’re afraid. My father belongs to the organization. He’s a very bad man. Almost as bad as his commanding officer.”

“So, why am I here? What do you want from me?”

“We’re going after them.”

“You?” I looked at the three boys and began laughing.

“Are you loco? If what you’re telling me is true, these people are more powerful than the government of the United States of America.

The only time I met the Commander, he had a sniper on my sister, and the man threatened to kill her. If I hadn’t agreed with him, he would have put a bullet in her skull in real time without blinking. And you want to go after them?”

“No, I want US to take them on,” Gabriel stated calmly.

“You’re insane. Taking them on is like signing a death warrant. We are children. What the hell can we do against them?”

“You need to trust me.”

“Right. You keep saying that. But I don’t know you. I don’t know any of you. Why the hell would I trust you?”

“What are your choices? Tell me, Orion. Say you refuse and decide to join the Guild. What do you think is going to happen when they ask you to drop a bomb on a kindergarten? Will you say no?” Mace asked.

“They would never do that. Would they?” I hesitated.

“Yes, they would. In a second. They went after you because you got into their security system, which is one of the top in the world,” Gabe answered.

“And got caught.”

“Tsk, please. Like you didn’t mentally change your coding while I was talking about the flaw in your program.”

I did, but that was beside the point.

“These men are dangerous, Orion. When they find out how good you really are, they won’t let you or your sister go,” Mason took over the argument.

I already knew that, but hearing it from someone else’s mouth made it real somehow.

“Why?” I asked beanie boy.

“Why what?”