Chapter 9

Sarah, 13 years old

San Diego, California

Can I tell you a secret? It’s a pretty random one, but it’ll give you a better insight into the type of person I am.

I’m not afraid to die. To me, it’s part of a natural process, like birth or growing old. I actually find the thought of living harder than death. I know it makes me sound weird, but there you go, now, you know.

On that night, however, while they drove me to God knew where, I sat between two scary looking men in the back seat and prayed for help while I trembled in fear.

I should have known something was up when they didn’t bother covering my eyes. But what can I say? I was too busy being scared to note the names of the streets we passed by or do any of the things I would have normally done.

The black SUV brought me to an enormous mansion outside San Diego.

The armed men guided me to a beautifully decorated office overlooking the city and sat me none too gently in front of a mahogany desk.

I tried asking them why we were here, but they simply ignored me and stood guard.

When a man came into the room, they rigidly saluted him, which made me frown in confusion.

Were these people military? Did this mean I was in a government compound?

“I’m gathering your mission was a success?” The newcomer’s hard eyes roamed over me before he asked the guard his question.

“Yes, Sire.”

“Are you positive she was the one behind the breach at Winthrop Financials?”

“Yes, Sire. The child was the only person on the premises.”

“Good. You’re free to go.”

I got my first look at the man as he sat behind his desk. Medium weight and size, pale skin. If it wasn’t for the intelligence hiding behind those brown eyes, he would resemble any other man in America.

“Hello, Sarah.”

“How do you know my name?”

“We know a lot about you, Ms.Murdoch. You’re a very unusual child.”

This made me extremely nervous because for a moment there, it sounded like he knew about my nocturnal activities. But that wasn’t possible, I covered my tracks every time I went on the web.

“Yes, you did. But you forgot one important element.”

Shoot, I just voiced that last part out loud.

“You used your mother’s employee pass to access the library’s server.”

So that’s how they traced me! I should have known something like this could blow my cover. Damn it.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Commander Karl Moore.” I blanched when I recognized the name of the email recipient on the RX-1 serum. The panic I felt must have shown on my face because he smiled and inquired, “I see you’ve heard of me. Mind telling me how?”

No, I won’t. Not even if my life depended on it. And from where I was sitting, it very well might.

“Why am I here? What do you want from me?” I hesitated before saying, “Are you going to kill me?”