My office was the largest one on the penthouse floor. When we set up our headquarters in the Golden City, the SF Conglomerate bought the 55-floor skyscraper in the South Market District about four years ago.

I had a feeling Sassy wasn’t going to let me appreciate the spectacular view, however.

“She knows everything,” Mace declared with a pissed off look. “She wanted me to bring her here to tell you what’s on her mind.”

“Awwww, and I’m assuming she didn’t find out from you?” Mason was a fairly intelligent person. Granted, not as much as me, but then again, not many people are. When it came to his wife, however, he was a complete dumbass.


“Murdoch?” He nodded.

“Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.”

“Why the hell not? You’ve been giving me the fucking silent treatment since we got into the car.”

“You deserve it, you son of a bitch. The American Guild? Seriously? Was that the real reason you didn't come to me after William got arrested? What else have you been keeping from me?”

I crossed my legs and patiently waited for dumb and dumber to finish their soap opera.

The thing about emotions was they made you volatile. They made you irrational and say things you shouldn’t. Like now.

“I can’t believe you would put Ryu in the middle of this. She’s in terrible danger because you couldn’t fucking tell me the truth,” she spat.

“And what truth is that, Sass?” I asked her calmly.

“You work for the people who killed my mother!”

“We don’t work for them. We’re trying to put them down,” Mason screamed.

“Which makes you no better than them. How do you pay for all of this, huh? Where does your money come from?”

When Mace wouldn’t answer her, she smirked. “You’re a criminal, just like your father.”

“I’m nothing like my fucking sperm donor! Everything I have ever done was to keep you safe.”

“Oh, yeah? Well, you had no right to keep this from me. I wouldn’t have made the same choices if I’d known about this.”

The look of complete destruction on my brother’s face finally shut her up, which is good. I may now get a word in without having to gag her.

“Macy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.” No, she didn’t. Sassy was scared, I would be too if I were her. She just learned her family was going to war against an entity more dangerous than all the criminals on this planet combined.

This didn’t mean I would let her little snit hurt my brother, however. I cleared my throat to get their attention.

“And you!” She whirled on me, almost making me chuckle. “I just know you’re behind this stupid plan to take down the fucking Network.”

“We’re not planning on taking down the Network, just the American Guild. Get your facts straight if you’re going to argue semantics with me.” I got up from my chair and walked to the other side of the mahogany wood.

“Also, as long as we’re on the subject, I should mention I’m not a criminal, Sassy. I’m the fucking bogeyman who keeps them in line.”

“How the hell can you say that while looking me in the eye? You work for the people who killed my mom!”

“I hate to break it to you, but your mother’s days were numbered when she accepted a job at Primrose Hall. The only way things could have turned out differently is if your parents had refused to go to work for my father, or if your folks let William kill my brother.”

“Stop it, motherfucker. That’s low,” Mace intervened angrily when Sass became white as a sheet.

“Look, I don’t enjoy hurting her, but she needs to stop acting like a brainless ox and listen if she wants to understand what the hell is going on.”

“I’m not going to stand here and listen to this.” She tried to open the door to my office but couldn’t.