“Sure, leave me the one with the machete. Have I told you I hate you two? I curse your mothers for giving birth to you,” Suri growled.

“Mine is dead. So, fuck you too.” I showed her my teeth and took a breath to calm down.

When the breathing exercise didn’t work, I took another and another until I detached from the stinging pain in my side. I also analyzed my opponent as I did this.

The man was right-handed. He held the batons like he didn’t know how to use them, which was good news for me.

The problem was, he didn’t need them. The corded muscles in his body told me he would rely on strength and speed to take me down. He would also gun for my injury the minute I gave him an opening, which was bad.

My opponent began his attack with a blow aimed at my face. I stopped it by lifting the batons in a high block.

When he again tried the same move, I wrapped my left baton across his wrist and pushed him forward by hitting him on the back with the right one.

The man quickly pulled himself together and came at me with a kick this time, only to wish he never had when I violently hit his legs out of the way.

He backed away with a limp and took a couple of seconds to rub off the numbness in his muscles.

“Yield. You do not need to do this,” I stated as I retracted my batons. To the people watching, it looked like I was admitting defeat, and the crowd booed me.

“Yes, I do. It’s either you or me.”

“You don’t even know how to wield the weapon.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m still going to win.”

“No, you won’t. I’m sorry.”

The man screamed as he ran at me, and this time I followed his example.

Unfortunately, the numbness in his legs made him slow, and I reached him first. I climbed up his body, expanded the baton in one quick move and broke three of his cervical disks. The man crumpled to the floor with me on top of him.

I groaned as my body screamed in pain. By now, my wound had opened, and I was covered with blood.

“Let me see,” Eric said as he lowered his body to the ground and peeled the makeshift bandage. “We need to cauterize this, or you’ll lose too much blood.”

“W-We can’t. We have to wait for Suri,” I panted.

The two of us watched as she attacked her opponent. You could hear the clang of metal against metal as the two fought.

I needed to ask her to teach me her tricks, or better yet, Gabe needed to recruit her as a sword master ASAP. No one I knew was anywhere near her level of expertise.

When the man made his first mistake, she punched him in the face.

When he made his second, she cut the arm holding the machete in two and stabbed her opponent straight through the heart before pulling out the sword.

The crowd held its breath as the man’s life left his eyes. When he fell over, they roared.

Suri ignored them and walked toward Eric in a steady step that made me tense.

I elongated the batons with a flick of the wrists, while my husband loosely held his shield, unconcerned. If she went anywhere near him, I wouldn’t hesitate to bash her skull.

“Halt!” Hayes ordered when she was about a meter away, and everyone watched in confusion as an army of soldier came into the arena with a short man dressed in a suit.

“That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win a Combat Royale! Please give a warm applause to this year’s contenders to the throne!” the emcee screamed.

He approached Eric while three armed men pointed a gun at him.

“Congratulations on winning PhaseII of the tournament, Mr.Winslow. Is there something you would like to say to the crowd before I announced your next opponent?”