It took little to whip this bunch into a frenzy. Whenever I got bored, I would shout out something random, and a fight broke out every single time.

Everyone watched as two men ran to her cell, only to panic when princess buttercup began foaming at the mouth.

“Rápido, precisamos de a levar para a enfermaria!” Quick, we need to get her to the infirmary!

The man did as he was ordered while she struggled and kicked him straight into one of the other cells.

“Pára de te debater, sua cabra!” Stop struggling, you bitch.

“Ela não o consegue ouvir. Agarra-lhe nas pernas e vai-te embora!” She can’t hear you. Just grab her legs and go!

Another kick, another struggle, but this time, I was ready. A quick show of hand lifted the keys from the otherwise occupied guard (thank you, Cajun).

By the fifth minute, the pain caused by the medication completely eradicated all of Orion’s thought, and we could hear the agonized scream of Eric Winslow in the background as her body shut down.

I opened my cell and quickly handed the keys to the person next to me, who did the same thing.

As more guards ran to us, the prisoners opened the door to their cells and made a run for it. Complete chaos followed.

I escaped the crowd now fighting the guards, and got out of my jumpsuit once I was outside.

An alarm was screeching in warning, making the lights blink on and off. I counted the number of seconds before the light blinked back on and headed to the control building.

The black suit covered me from head to toe, making it difficult to catch a glimpse of me in the darkness. I stuck to the shadows while armed men ran to the prisoners’ quarters.

I needed to stay in the camera’s dead zone and synchronize my jumps with the blinking lights if I didn’t want the guards to see me.

The problem was, I’m not Wonder Fucking Woman and can’t move at the speed of light.

“Fuck this,” I swore when I realized it couldn’t be done and ran straight through instead.

Here’s to hoping the guards are too busy to notice the black blob dashing through the cameras!

As I neared the designated building and crouched down, I turned on the eyeglasses, which were reprogrammed to follow my orders.

When the glasses piggybacked the feed and paired with the first available computer in the control room, I bit my tongue to stop myself from whooping in glee.

“¡Cómo mola!” How cool! I whispered in awe as the 3D keyboard immediately activated.

I didn’t know where Winslow got these babies, but you could bet my last dollar he’d never see them ever again. Let’s call them a finder’s fee.

The first thing I did was temporarily deactivate the guard’s access so I could work without being bothered.

The second, was getting on a platform on the dark web I hadn’t used in over twenty years to send out my SOS.

I wasn’t worried about Hayes deciphering the code. My best friend and I developed the language while we were at the Guild Behavioral Camp and used it whenever we needed to be invisible.

It was a complex combination of Morse and Cyrillic alphabet. It also required that you be familiar with the sequence of the language to understand it. If that wasn’t enough paranoia for you, we ingrained it into the system’s coding.

No way would a lay person be able to identify it, much less comprehend its meaning. The day that happened, I’ll officially retire my hacker’s badge.

I searched the system and deactivated the collar around our necks. The next time a guard tried to blow up our heads, he’ll be eating his testicles.

Once that was done, I put my jumper back on and dashed back to my cell, while the guards took care of the idiots responsible for the riot.

Did I feel bad about the prisoners and the guards who tried to kill each other tonight? Hell no! I’m a Reina, and those fools were nothing but fodder for my cannon.

As for the people calling me a manipulative bitch for putting them in danger, you may want to have a two-minute conversation with Diego’s mother. ¿Comprendes?