“The blue one?”

“Yes. But unless you know how to make yourself invisible, you’ll never make it there. The area is better guarded than the hymen of a virgin with an overbearing father and three overprotective brothers.”

I winced at the colorful image. “I see you’re still as blunt as ever.”

“Part of my charm, babe.” Suri’s smiled wavered for a fraction of a second.

“How do you wanna play this, O? Because I’ve been going at it from every angle, and I always come to the conclusion that it would take a bloody miracle to get off this island.”

I agree. Even if we overtook the armed guards, there was still the small matter of getting off the island.

“You didn’t by any chance see a pair of glasses lying around, did you? We’ve been looking for them for a week.” I asked distractedly, as I stared at the collar around her neck.

“Yes, one of my guys picked them up after your man lost them in the skirmish.”

I immediately grabbed her shoulder, and Suri almost gave me a black eye.

“Don’t touch me like that, Orion. You know I don’t like it.”

I ignored her and focused on what was important instead. “Tell me you didn’t break them.”

Please, let there be a god.

“No, why should I?” I grabbed the tall, muscular woman in a hug, confusing her even more.

“What’s so special about a pair of glasses?”

“They’re a prototype designed by my husband’s company. They can pair to any computer within a one hundred feet radius.”

“You lie, Orion. I’ve tried them on. They don’t do shit.”

“That’s because you need my husband’s retinal scan to activate them.”

“Does this mean we can access their server?” she asked with a surge of hope that I squashed with my next reply.

“Accessing the server isn’t the problem. We need to send a message without leaving a trace behind. Otherwise, Hayes will kill us the minute he discovers the breach.”

And changing the coding of a computer always left a trace.

Suri gave me a wide smile. “Leave that to me. I have just the thing.”

“You sure?”


“You need to be certain, Suri. Hayes may not be as good as we are with a computer, but he is better than most people out there. He will kill any message he finds.”

“I’m positive. Now get off my back.”

“Fine, the best time to get to the control room is while they eat at 7PM.”

Surinam nodded. “How far do you have to be for the glasses to pair?”

“Thirty meters,” I answered. “There are cameras every hundred meters inside the building with a twenty-three meters dead zone. Will that be enough?”

“It will with you providing a distraction,” the crazy chica smiled wickedly.

When a noise captured my attention, I signed to Suri to stay quiet.