
“Do we know who was behind this?”

“Yes, they left me their greeting card.”

“And? Who are they?”

“The American Guild.”

Fuck me.

“I need you to access flight manifests to see if she’s still on the island.”

“It’s done. A flight left the island this morning at 3AM. It’s headed toward Costa Rica.”

I sent a text to a GEM team in Central America the minute she finished her sentence.

“Thank you,” the Russian exclaimed. He was about to hang up when I took over the call.

“Asheron. You’re going after her?” You could hear the silence over the line as I surprised Vasily’s brother.


“Do you have a team with you?”


“You have one, now. Captain DeLeón and his men will be waiting for you at the San Jose airport.”

“How good are they?” he inquired without hesitation.

“They’re the best.”

“Spasibo, ya tvoy dolzhnik.”Thank you, I owe you.

“Ty mne nichego ne dolzhen.”You owe me nothing.

The two of us hung up, and I pulled her trembling body against mine.

“Lizzie’s going to be all right, Jelly Fish. We’re going to find her.”

“You need to go back. It must be pandemonium over there. I’ll join you soon .”

“I love you. No matter what happens from here on out, remember that.”

“I love you too, Egghead.” After giving her a quick kiss, I closed the door on my way out.

I called Gabe to see where he was. We needed to coordinate Elizabeth’s rescue. I also wanted answers on how someone got the drop on my team.


“Where are you?” I asked.

“In my room.”

“Is everyone with you?”
