“What? I’m a growing boy.”

“Huh, huh, the bell boy must have thought I had an entire football team in my room.”

“Oh, oh, my girl got jokes.”

My wife threw a napkin at me. I caught it before giving her a portion of Eggs Benedict with spinach, mushroom, and Swiss cheese. “Dig in, Babe. I got your favorite.”

“Thanks, Ricardo.”

“Does this make you, Lucy?” My girl gave me a smirk that made me want to throw her on the bed and jump her bones.

My stomach, however, had other ideas. I sat down and wolfed down my eggs.

“So, what will our first step as a committed couple be?” she quizzed with a smile as she sipped on her coffee.

“Give me my pants,” I asked. When Sarah handed me my jeans, I went through my pockets, pulled out my set of keys and gave her one.

“What’s this?”

“This, honey bunches of oats, is a key to my place in NYC.”

“I don’t follow.”

“Our first decision as a couple will be deciding where we’re going to live after this thing with the Guild dies down. I’m making it easy.”

“By giving me a key to your apartment?”

“Yes, you can now come and go as you please.”

If you’re wondering why I have two keys to my home on my key set, well, let me put it this way, I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment.

“I’m sorry, but my place doesn’t have a key. It’s fingerprint activated… but I can put in your print if you want,” she responded hesitantly.

“I want,” I smiled at her.

“My home is in California, next to Lizzie’s dad.”

“Winthrop told me. I still can’t believe Baxter let you purchase it.”

“It’s part of my cover.”

“Of course it would be. How well do you know Stryker?”

“Pretty well. He’s a decent Guild Lieutenant and an all-around nice guy. Lizzie and Sass adore him.”

“Do you know how he got involved with Baxter?”

“You know how it is. A while ago, he did some shady stuff to save his company, and it backfired. When the American general offered his help, he accepted and became a Guild slave.”

Ahhhh, the perniciousness of greed.

“I wonder if he’s part of Winthrop’s plan?”



“I don’t know. Maybe. You know how Gabriel is. The only person who knows the complete picture is him.”