“No, we are fucking not. I thought we were close in college too, and we are still at a stalemate ten years later. Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m done waiting for the American Guild to make their move. I’m done putting my life on hold while Winthrop plays his fucking games.”

“But what about me?” I asked in a small voice.

“You, my love, need to choose.”

“What kind of choice is that? You’re asking me to choose between putting your life in danger or losing you.”

“I know you’re scared. The Guild has controlled you all your life through fear. But I’m not Audrey. I’m not a defenseless little girl they can get to easily. Nor am I the useless boy you need to protect. I’m a warrior, and I want you to treat me with the respect I deserve.”

“I respect you.”

“Not about this. If you did, you would realize that we no longer have to hide. You would stand tall by my side.”

The emotions I bottled inside exploded into a mix of terror and anguish.

“How dare you say this to me? I did all of this for you. I betrayed my friends, lied to them, lied to everyone for YOU. To protect you from them. And now you want to leave me?”

“Do you love me?”

“I…” This was it. Our make-or-break moment. If I turned my back on him, I’d lose him forever.

“No more excuses. Do you or do you not love me?”

“Yes, more than anything. I have loved you since we were thirteen and claimed you as mine.”

“Prove it.”


“Marry me.”

“What about the Guild?”

“Fuck them.”

“And Gabriel?”

“Fuck him too. I should have never listened to him. What the hell does he know about love and commitment? The longest relationship he’s ever had was with his plan.” I looked at him with uncertainty.

“Jelly Fish, if we wait for the perfect day, we will wait for the rest of our lives. Even if we end up taking down Baxter, we will still have to run the goddamn thing. There will still be danger.”

“And your solution is for us to get married?”

“Yes. We stop hiding and fight them as a couple.”

“And if I don’t, you’ll leave.”

“Yes.” Eric stared at me as a million emotions crossed his beautiful face. He’d made up his mind about this. He would walk away from me if he had to.

What will I be left with if he’s not there with me at the end of this? Was I willing to lose this man because I feared what they would do to him?

Fuck no.

Were we really going to do this? Were we getting married? Excitement built inside me at the prospect. Part of me knew this moment had been a long time coming. It certainly explained how I felt during Sass and Mace’s wedding.


“OK, what?”