Chapter 18

Eric, 18 years old

San Diego, California

Eight Months Later

“So, Ellie said, oh no you don’t. And I answered, oh yes you will, if you don’t want me to kick your ass.”

I was on a date with Danneel, my on-again, off-again girlfriend.

Eight months have passed since I made love to my Jelly Fish, and do you know what’s worse than not hearing from her for almost a year? It’s seeing her every SINGLE day at school and pretending I didn’t know her.

Besides the brief contact I had with her at my homecoming party, we haven’t spoken once. You would think the not talking would cool my obsession with her, but it hasn’t. It just made it harder for me to date other people.

I listened to my date talk about the mundane details of high school life and tried not to yawn.

Danneel and I have an understanding. We see each other when we’re not with other people, and I like her. She’s sweet and fun.

It’s not her fault my girl exploded back into my life, nor is she to blame because my feelings have changed.

I should have stopped dating her when I realized my head was no longer in it. This wasn’t fair to her. I should just break it off once and for all and let her move on.

“What’s wrong, Boo Bear? You haven’t been yourself all evening,” Danneel inquired when she realized I wasn’t listening.

“I’m sorry for doing this, girl, but we need to talk.” My ringtone interrupted what I was about to say.

I frowned and checked my watch. My parents were currently in Sacramento for one of my father’s business meetings. So, why would my mom be calling me at 10PM?

“Sorry, Danneel, I have to take this.” I got up and pressed the call button.

“Hey, Mom. What’s up?”

“Hi, honey. Have you spoken to your sister lately? She was supposed to call me earlier in the evening and didn’t.”

“That’s weird. Maybe she’s at her friend?”

“No, she’s supposed to be home. I’m worried, this isn’t like Elise.”

No, it wasn’t. My kid sister was the most reliable person on this side of the planet. If she told you she’s going to do something, nothing is going to keep her from doing it.

“How about I try to get a hold of her? Will that make you feel better?”

“Yes, it would. Thank you so much, Chéri.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll text you as soon as I talk to her.”

I hung up with my mom and called Elle’s phone, only for it to go to voicemail.

“Hey, baby sister, could you give Mom a call? I think you were supposed to do it, and forgot or something. It’s not a big deal, but she’s kind of worried. So, call me back. Or better yet, call her. Thanks!”

I went back to my date with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Something didn’t feel right. Maybe I should go home and check on Elise.

“Where were we?” I asked as I sat back down.

“You were about to say something.”

Right, the break-up.