A cleaning crew had come into Ghost and Connie’s residence while we were the Commander’s “guests”. They removed any traces of Connie’s murder and left the home in pristine condition.

Ghost and I went right back to how things were before they invaded the place. The people tasked with watching over us relayed week after week that everything was fine.

I trained until it felt like my body was going to give out, only to train some more.

I graduated from the Academy at the top of my class.

When the American general himself handed out the diplomas and shook my hand, my mentor stood beside me grinning like the proud father he was.

What the people didn’t see was Ghost signing to me on the night his wife was killed.

Whatever it is you’re doing, count me in.

They didn’t see me nod in acknowledgment. They didn’t see us find the bugs and cameras in our home.

Nor did they see the horrible scene Moose did when I broke up with him.

He hadn’t understood when I told him my life wasn’t mine. He was a boy in love for the first time and my proud young friend begged me not to turn my back on him.

So, I had to crush the boy I love for his own good. I didn’t want to, but I had no choice.

Sarah, you can’t do this.

You need me.

I love you.

Please, don’t go.

We are in this together.

Don’t leave me.

It’s done. And no, I don’t need anyone. Least of all a spoiled mommy’s boy, who’s too chicken to stand up to his father. Try being a man for a change.

Eric’s answer had been long in coming, but when it did, it nearly broke me.

Fuck you. I wish I’d never met you.

The Guild didn’t see me brush my tears away as I crushed the portable phone that had been my lifeline for all these years.

All they saw was me pretending like everything was fine. I smiled on the day I graduated and became an IS-Officer. I even smile when they handed me my first mission on an encrypted USB file.

On it, there was information about the person I’d be tailing for the next couple of months and detailed instructions.

I didn’t think about the person because she hadn’t been important. She was simply a mark, a means to an end. All I had to do was befriend her.

Simple enough. Right?

How was I supposed to know my mark would later become one of my best friends, much less the reason the entire castle came tumbling down?

At the time, I only knew two things about her.She was the only child of the American R&D Lieutenant, andher name was Elizabeth Stryker.