Hayes gave Orion a sick, covetous look that made me shudder. This obsession of his would not end well.
“No, he isn’t. Not for long.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“You’ll see.”
Two guards arrived just as he was about to say something else.
“Sir, we are here for the prisoner,” a guard voiced tentatively as he saluted the lieutenant.
“Take her away.”
I watched as my friend schooled her face into an impassive mask. She did that to make sure that brute of hers didn’t catch on. The last thing everyone needed right now was for Winslow to lose his cool over Hayes.
I waited with a bated breath for everyone to leave so I could do the same. Unluckily, Hayes had other ideas.
“You can come out now. Don’t make me repeat myself,” the crazy fucker said and patiently waited. “Out for a stroll, Nam?”
“Yes, the air was so fresh, I couldn’t help myself.”
“I’m sure. How much did you see?”
“Just now, or are you talking about tonight’s event?”
“Not much. The wall hid most of it from me. All I saw was you questioning Orion,” I lied through my teeth.
“And the riot?”
“Not much either. My door opened like magic and the next thing I know a fight broke out between the guards and the prisoners.”
“Interesting. And you didn’t join them or run away like some?”
“Run away to go where? I’m perfectly happy where I am.”
“Are you?”
“Yes. The next match will be my tenth. I have no intention of messing up my chance to get off this island.”
“Of course not.” Hayes looked at me shrewdly. “But what if I were to say there was a price to your freedom?”
“What do you mean?” I frowned.
“What if I were to tell you, you needed to neutralize the Guild’s traitor to get your freedom? Would you?”
“In the blink of an eye. I have no loyalty to him or anyone here. But to make sure we understand each other, by neutralize, you mean...?”
“I want you to stab him on his left side. The wound needs to be deep enough to make it difficult for him to fight, but not so deep that he drops at my feet.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier to just run him through?”
“No, I want him alive.”
“You don’t need to concern yourself with the whys.”