Page 70 of Nanny

“He was out of town for a few days.”

“Aww! You miss him.”

“I didn’t say that.” I shrugged, trying to play it cool. In reality, I was going mad thinking about him. “Don’t you have an afternoon shift today?”

“I do.” She checked her phone. “Shit. I have to get going. I have to restock the bar before we open the doors tonight.”

“Did you drive here?”

“No. I’m tired of getting drunk at work and abandoning my car in the parking lot every day. I’ll call a cab.”

“No need. I’ll give you a ride on our way to Hunter’s office.”

Poppy looked at me with a smug smile and raised an accusatory finger.

“I knew it.”

“You know nothing. Sofi misses her uncle.”

“Right. That’s why you’re bothering Hunter Knox at work, because his niece wants to see him. He is not the type of man to take visits during work hours, Amy.” I was sure she was right, but I couldn’t sit around and wait hours to see him. It would be good for Sofi to get out of the house too. We’ve been couped up for days.

“Yes. Sofi gets special treatment.”

“Sofi or you?”

“Let’s go already, Poppy.”


Knox Business Park was nothing like what I would have expected for the king of vice. It was a cutting edge, modern building built of glass and steel with an open lobby and about twenty floors tall. Hunter’s name was shining at the top in gold letters, shadowing the people on the street.

My new driver, Scott, opened the door for me, even though I tried to convince him such fuss wasn’t necessary, and I got out of the car with baby Sofi in my arms. She was fascinated by the place.

“I’ll escort you to the entry,” Scott said with his gruff voice and serious face.

“Scott, I can walk twenty feet on my own.”

“Safety first, Miss Hart. Safety first.” That was his response every time I tried to stop him from doing something, and it worked. It made me think about Sofi and how a deranged murderer might be trying to get close to her.

“Right. Let’s go then.”

We walked inside, the air conditioning saving us from the scorching afternoon sun, and I stopped at the reception desk where three women with their hair up and identical black and gold suits looked at me at the same time. Yeah, showing up here in sandals, a baby doll dress with Sofi in my arms would raise some eyebrows. Everyone around looked like they were attending a conference or something.

“Hello,” one of them said with exercised politeness. “How can we help you?”

“Umm, yes. I’m here to see Hunter…Mr. Knox.”

She looked at me like I spoke in Japanese. I could imagine that people don’t just walk in his office.

“I see. Do you have an appointment with Mr. Knox?”

“No. I didn’t have time to call. This is his niece.” I pointed to Sofi who was busy babbling at her own reflection on the desk. “I’m her nanny. I’m sure Mr. Knox has time for family.”

“I…” The news took her by surprise. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you up without an appointment. I suggest you call Mr. Knox and he can clear you.” She obviously hadn’t believed a word I said. For all this woman cared, I was a stalker trying to invade Hunter’s office.

I looked down and saw my bag wasn’t hanging on my shoulder as usual. I completely forgot about it.

“I left my phone in the car. Do me a favor and call Emily. Tell her Amelia Hart is here. She’ll clear everything up.”