Page 65 of Nanny

I expected anger, but instead he was reaching his hand for me. Hopeless to his call, I took it and was pulled to his chest.

“I’m sorry.”


“For not doing my job. God, I’m a horrible nanny.”

He kissed the top of my head.

“I turned off your alarm, Amelia.”


“You looked really peaceful, and I didn’t want to bother you. I figured I could take care of Sofi for an hour or two and let you rest. It wasn’t that hard since you prepare her meals ahead.”

“Thank you.”

“I was the one who didn’t let you sleep last night.” He smiled.

He could be so sweet when he wanted to.

“I’m not complaining. Tell me how did you two get along?”

“She is fussy in the morning.” Oh, yeah. Sofi was very demanding when she was sleepy and hungry, but after a few hours she turned into the sweetest girl in the world. “We managed. I gave her a bottle of formula and some fruits, changed her—that was interesting—and she bit my ear while I was holding her.” He pointed to his lobe where I could see a small fading bitemark.

“Adorable. Don’t be too hard on Sofi because of this minor assault, Mr. Knox. She is the best baby in the world.”

“I’m starting to see that. Everything I say she tries to say it back. It’s very funny.”

I laughed and leaned on his body, enjoying the moment. My precious Sofi was still occupied with her piece of fruit while Hunter was trying to make her say his name. I bit my tongue really hard to make sure no tears would show up in my eyes and ruin this moment. I loved them both so much, my heart was in literal pain from seeing Hunter let himself get closer to Sofi. They needed each other more than anything else. Hunter lost his sister, a sister that he so clearly deeply loved, and Sofi lost her mom, but they still hadeach other. He was finally starting to see that.

Hunter read something on my face and turned his attention to me.

“Hey, baby, are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m more than ok.” I gave Sofi a kiss and then turned to hug Hunter’s waist. “I like when you call me baby.”

“I call you a lot of things.”

“You do, but this feels different.” Every time he saidAmeliaorkittenit sent shivers down my spine. His rough voice was always charged with yearning, an urge for me to come to him, and it made me melt every. Single. Time. But baby? He still wanted me, I could tell, but the name sounded intimate. “Is it different, Hunter?”

He knew what I was asking. Was this change all in my head? Was my love for him making me see things that weren’t there?

“It’s different, Amelia.” Warmth spread through my body. “Don’t ask me what it means because I don’t know. Can we take it one day at a time?”

“Yes,” I whispered. It was all I needed.

We were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and Raoul walking in the kitchen with a paper bag in his hands. I tried to put distance between Hunter and me, but his arms kept me glued to him even after we both saw the shock on Raoul’s face.

“I brought your order, Mr. Knox.” He didn’t say anything about finding me cuddling withourboss.

“Thank you, Raoul. Take the day off, I won’t be needing you today.”

“Thank you, sir. Have a good day.” He turned to me and nodded with a tensed smile. “You too, Miss Hart.”

“Bye, Raoul,” I said to his back. “Hunter, why did you let him see this?”

“All my staff signed the same NDA you did, Amelia.”