Page 19 of Nanny

Chapter 6


Sofi was on her tummy, trying to push herself up when I got to her. She was definitely not pleased with something. I was a little hesitant to pick her up because my arms were weak. No, actually, my whole body felt weak. Hunter Knox has drained me of energy with his authoritative presence and one hell of an orgasm. What I felt while I was on my own couldn’t be compared to the catastrophic, life-changing tornado of pleasure he threw me in.

Now I was on the job. I had to shake everything off and clear my mind to take care of Sofi. Not that I wanted to think too much about what happened. My boss, Hunter fucking Knox, Las Vegas’ golden boy—man—had made me ride his fingers. It should have never happened. This wasn’t me, I wasn’t like that, but it was like that bastard had a gravitational pull. I was pulled to him by the force of his beautiful blue eyes. He told me to kneel.He told me to feed him. It was weird and inappropriate, and I loved every second of it.

Sofi slapped my chest with her hands and let out another cry, making me snap out of the Hunter spiral.

“Easy, baby girl. I’m here now. Let’s see what you need, ok?”

I changed her diaper, I gave her a bottle, rocked her, sang to her, but nothing stopped the crying. Sofi was not in the mood to go back to bed and I could see why. She should have been sleeping through the night by now, but she was under stimulated, and all that energy was coming out now. Out of resources, I put Sofi on my hip and walked to the front door.

“Ok, baby, you win. We’re going to take a walk and let you get tired. You like that? You wanna go outside?” She looked at me with wide eyes and I opened the front door so she could see the front yard. “You want to go, Sofi?”

“Ah!” She screeched happily and stretched her hands to the outdoors. The yard was pretty dark, only a few lights showing the walking paths, but she was excited either way. I wondered how long had it been since someone took this poor baby out for some fresh air. Hunter definitely hadn’t volunteered to do it.

Once we were out, I let Sofi down to sit on the ground so she could feel the grass. She had a blast leaving bald patches in Hunter’s perfectly manicured front lawn, and I enjoyed watching her be so happy.

“You like that, baby? Let me show you something better.”

I picked her up and went to sit on the edge of one of the fountains that was splitting the driveway. The fountain was turned off, but still filled with water, so I bent over with Sofi in my arms and let her touch it. Man, she was excited.

She started laughing out loud and splashed the water around.

“I know, it’s fun. Maybe we should try swimming in the pool one of these days, huh? Would you like that?” I should buy her swimming diapers so we could do that. Sofi loved the water. I had to hold her pretty tight to stop her from jumping headfirst in the fountain, which made me laugh out loud. “Can you say water, baby girl? Come on, try, wa-ter.”

“Wa-a-a…” It wasn’t quite a word, but she was getting there.

“Good girl, Sofi. That was so good.” I picked her up and kissed her cheeks. “You like it, don’t you? I’m going to take you out tomorrow to see the water dancing.”

Sofi clapped her hands, and like I’d said a magic word, the fountain turned on and started swirling up and multi-colored neon lights colored it. That sent Sofi into a rampage—she was giggling and wiggling her feet, ecstatic to go and see what was going on, so I had no choice but to go sit back on the edge of the fountain, even if I knew the water was going to get to us, and let her see what was going on.

I was sure the fountains must have been on a timer, but something pushed me to look over my shoulder and check the house. I could feel eyes on me and not just ordinary eyes, no—sapphire domineering orbs watching me from above. Hunter was on a terrace on the side of the house, opposite to where my assigned room was, and he was looking straight at me. I couldn’t make out his expression in the dark, but he was completely still, holding something that I figured was a remote. He heard me talking to Sofi and turned on the fountain to entertain her. It was a small gesture, and maybe I was only affected because the man just had his fingers inside me, but my heart squeezed. There was still hope for him. All he had to do was give Sofi a chance and I knew he’d fall in love in a second.

He explicitly said I was to keep the baby hidden and away from him at all times, but hey, anyone could make mistakes, right? If Hunter Knox was too set in his bachelor ways to give his own damn niece a chance, I was going to at least try to change that. He might fire me, but I owe it to Sofi. Someone had to try and make things good for her.


I slept like a baby. Literally, I woke up the same time Sofi did. I didn’t know if it was because I had so much fun with Sofi on our evening stroll, or because ofthe before, but my first night in the Knox residence was good. There was a little part of me that was worried about what had occurred between Hunter and I, and I had no idea where we stood. I wasn’t delusional enough to think we would have any kind of close friendship, but would he come by my room anymore? Would he demand me to feed him in the middle of the night? Would he fire me for sexual misconduct? That would be twice in a month—a personal record.

I shook my head to clear my mind of all those thoughts and opened the French doors that led me to a small balcony. I had to hand it to Knox, he really knew how to treat his guest. The suite he gave me was way nicer than the house Poppy and I shared. Everything was decorated in pastels, there was a lot of natural light, the bed was a king size and incredibly comfortable, and I even had my own living room. Not that I had much use for that, but it was a nice place to spend time with Sofi. I found this room to be livelier than that excuse for a nursery and she loved to crawl around the coffee table while I pretended to catch her. Sofi was such a happy kid. I couldn’t comprehend why Knox wouldn’t want this bundle of joy in his life. I’d known her for twenty-four hours and she already had my heart in her little hands.

Sofi and I were in the middle of having breakfast, sharing a Greek yogurt and fresh fruits when someone rang the doorbell. When I opened it, I saw a smiling delivery man. The stroller and highchair that I’d ordered for Sofi already came and so did the new set of bottles. I didn’t remember placing another one, but with all the online search for baby things I did yesterday, I couldn’t be sure.

“Hello,” I said, and he smiled wider.

“Hey, pretty bird.” The hell? “You have a splendid house here, let me tell you.” He looked at me from head to toe, making me self-conscience about my yoga pants and tank top.

“Thank you?”

“It looks like it should be on a magazine cover. I would love to see the inside.”

What the hell was his deal?

“It’s not my house, so you can calm down.”

“Ah, ok. It’s still beautiful, and so are you.”