Page 43 of Nanny

“Mr. Knox!” The nerve on this dude. “What I said had nothing to do with you and me. Well, I think in a way it does.”

“Explain, because what I remember is that last night you let me fuck your body. You asked for it, begged. So, if the pain and the harness didn’t scare you, what was it? Wasn’t I good enough for you, Miss Hart?” Hunter was livid. All that peace I saw on his face when he woke up was gone.

“Good enough? What is that supposed to mean? Is there something you want to say, Mr. Knox?”

“I’m waiting for an explanation.”

“Oh, my God. To put your ego at ease, it was good, Hunter. The sex was good. Amazing. My legs are still shaking. It was so good that I forgot I had to take care of your niece this morning. I forgot to do my job.” I took a deep breath to suppress the need to yell in his face. I couldn’t do that while Sofi was in my arms. “I woke up around six because I felt you rolling in your sleep. I should have got up and gone to my room, but I didn’t because the sex wasthatgood. Even if I knew Sofi wakes up hungry, I stayed in your arms. She is the most amazing baby, Hunter, and she should have someone taking care of her that doesn’t forget about her needs.”

“So you’re not running away? The collar and the cuffs didn’t scare you?”

“No. I liked that. Do you really need me to tell you that you’re good in bed, Mr. Knox?”

His mouth twitched and I was proud of making him smile just a little. Hunter was so closed off. His feelings were more guarded than Fort Knox—pun intended—and the moments where I got to see the man, not the firewall, were rare and far between. I was having sex with a man who hid himself behind a crafted and controlled image and I had no idea how to make it show me his real face.

“What time does Sofi usually wake up, Amelia?”

“Between eight-thirty and nine. I’m trying to settle her into a sleeping pattern.”

“You woke up half an hour later and Sofi was alone for two minutes before you ran to her. There’s nothing wrong about that.”

“Hunter, I’m a teacher, not a nanny. I shouldn’t have applied for the job in the first place.”

His eyes found Sofi’s and for a second, they stared at each other.

“I want the best for Sofi and you’re doing that, so let’s drop it. I don’t accept your resignation. You care, Amelia, and she needs that.” Because no one else did. He didn’t, not enough to take his own niece in his arms and show her love. I swallowed hard, trying not to think about the coldness and darkness that was eating him from inside.

“I do care, how could I not?” How couldhenot? “Sofi is the sweetest child in the world.” Just in that moment, Sofi rubbed her eyes and put her adorable head on my chest. Ever since Hunter came into the room, she’d calmed down. I guessed it did her good to see his face.

“Good. How, umm—what is your morning with her like?” My heart leaped in my chest because he was showingsomeinterest in her. Finally!

I smiled and took the formula bottle out giving it to Sofi who grabbed it with both hands and went for it.

“She’s going to clean this out in two minutes. I have trouble making her eat all her meals, but not in the morning. She will get sleepy right after. I shouldn’t let her nap so soon after waking up, but I’m trying to ease her in the new routine, so for now, there is no harm.”

“Are you going to take her upstairs after?” His eyes hadn’t left the baby.

“Yeah. She’ll fall asleep before we’re up the stairs, and will wake up in about thirty minutes.”

“Can I watch you two for a while?”

“This is your house. She is your niece. You can do whatever you want.”


After that, none of us said anything. Hunter stayed close, but not close enough to reach for Sofi or have any contact with her. He followed my steps when I went to put the bottle in the dishwasher and when I went to get a paper napkin to wipe Sofi’s mouth. Wherever I went, he was two steps behind. I even moved around a little just to test my theory.

As predicted, Sofi became lax in my arms soon after she finished her breakfast and Hunter watched me very carefully while I rocked her and sang one of the songs that I’d learned from the kids at the school. I would have loved to go to him and put Sofi in his arms, but I knew that would only make him bolt away and lock himself in his kinky bedroom.

I walked upstairs and into the nursery, pretending that I wasn’t paying him any attention, but I listened very carefully to see if he was still behind. He didn’t walk past the door of Sofi’s room, but he sat in the hallway while I put her in the crib. I put a stuffed bunny next to her and she latched on to it immediately, pulling it to her chest. How Hunter wasn’t melting on his feet, I had no idea. After I was sure Sofi was good, I walked out and shut the door behind me, turning to Hunter with a smile on my face.

“Cute, isn’t she?” I asked, sounding pretty smug.

“She’s beautiful, of course. She looks just like Elena when she was a baby.”

“Your sister?”

“Yeah.” As soon that little door opened, it shut in my face. “It doesn’t matter. You passed your interview.”