Page 33 of Nanny

“What things?” No answer. “Amelia, we’ve broken considerable boundaries in the past couple of days. I expect you to be able to speak up if you have a problem.”

“The collar, Hunter. I’m talking about the collar. I’m not a pet and I’m not a slave. I’m not the kind of woman who’d allow you to—I don’t even know—use me.”

We were finally getting somewhere.

“Let’s go sit down so we can talk.”

“I don’t need to talk.”

“Miss Hart. Table. Now.” Amelia was fragile and confused. She was overwhelmed by her own desire and her need to be mine, that she probably couldn’t even understand. I wanted to explain things better and help her navigate our attraction, but I had my limits. She did follow me and sat on a chair, but when I looked at her, I hit a wall of silence. “Let’s talk.”

“I said my piece, Mr. Knox.”

“And now let me say mine. I want you to be my submissive.”

Her jaw hit the table.

“I’ve just told you…”

“You have no idea what this means. I don’t want to use you. Dominance is about control and trust.”

“I don’t want you to control me.”

“That’s a lie.” She wanted me; I could see it even now when anger was smoldering in her eyes. “There is an attraction between us, Amelia. Powerful attraction. You walked into my office for a job and my dick got hard. I’m not a man that loses control, especially around my employees, but I couldn’t help my reaction to you. Can you deny it?”

She tilted her head to the side and took a long breath.


“You want me.”

“I do.”

“I don’t want to use you. I want you to voluntarily surrender power to me and let me take control. I’m talking about a consensual relationship between two adults where you agree to follow my rules. It’s very simple, actually.”

“You made a mistake, Hunter. I know I look weak, but that’s the last thing I am. That’s what you saw, a woman that would let you do whatever you want.”

“I don’t think you’re following me. The last thing I consider you is to be weak. I have no interest in weak women that fall at my feet. It’s because you are so strong that you want me to take over, Amelia. Your submission to me doesn’t make you lack any kind of strength.”

“I…” She bit her tongue and chose to not say whatever was on her mind.

“Kitten, if you have something to say, do it. I want you to be completely honest with me. Submission is about trust. I want you to trust me to tie you up and have full access at your body.”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because my goal would be to pleasure you.”

“Pleasure me? With a cane?”

“I promise, I will only use pain to give you more pleasure.”

She threw her hands up in the air.

“How is that even possible? I know what pain is, Hunter. I know how a cane feels, and it has nothing to do with any kind of sexual pleasure.”

I stopped moving.

“What do you mean?”