“The video. He’s in it too. Do you think his boss has seen it?”

The girls look around at each other before Noelle speaks up. “I mean, with ten million views and both of you clearly identifiable, I think the likelihood is high that at least someone he works with has.”

“Shit. I admitted our relationship wasn’t real in the video, you guys, the relationship that was Damien’s idea in the first place so he could secure this account he’s been working so hard to land.”


“God, this just keeps getting worse.” I stand from my seat on the couch and rush over to the bottles of champagne, pouring more into my glass.

“Charlotte, I know this probably isn’t what you want to hear right now,” Noelle says, “but there’s nothing you can do about it at this very moment. Everything is still fresh, and until you know exactly what you want to do about Damien, you’re better off just letting things be.”

She’s right. I know she is. I haven’t processed the last week of my life yet, and until I do, there’s no sense in rushing out trying to be a hero. It could make things worse. Besides, I don’t even know if Damien would want to see me right now.

But God do I miss him—his sarcasm, his arms wrapped around me, the way he looked at me like I was perfect to him.

But no one is perfect, and the decisions I’ve been making recently are lackluster at best.

I just need some time. And hopefully, he’ll give me the chance to explain myself once I figure out what I want.

And that’s the question I need to answer more than anything—what do I want now?