“So what’s on the agenda for the weekend?” Damien asks as we walk hand in hand along the sand. After we had sex, we took a shower together and Damien watched television while I got ready for dinner. But before we face everyone, Damien suggested that we take a walk and explore the resort a bit. We walked around the grounds, taking note of where the gym, pools, and restaurants are, as well as the room where my parents’ reception will be held in a few days.

And now, as we step gently in the white sand, I stare at the man holding my hand in his so naturally that I struggle with the overwhelming feelings rushing through me. He’s wearing a white linen shirt, khaki shorts, and brown leather flip-flops. When I saw his outfit, I instantly gave him shit for looking like a tourist. But in all honesty, he looked so damn handsome that I contemplated pushing him down on the bed and having my way with him again.

“Well, tomorrow is the girls’ spa day, which I’m bummed my friends will miss.”

“The girls don’t get in until late tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah. They’ll be here around eight.”

“And they’re staying just for the weekend?”

“Yeah, they’ll be leaving Tuesday with us.” He nods.

“But then Saturday is when the boys will be golfing and the women will be exploring around town a bit. Then Sunday is the ceremony, and Monday will probably just be a pool day and a nice dinner before we leave Tuesday.”

“Okay. Sounds manageable.”

I huff out a laugh. “It sounds manageable, but there are far too many opportunities for my mom to make me want to jump into the ocean and never return.”

Damien stops me in our steps. “Hey. I know she can drive you crazy, but remember that ultimately you’re the one that gets to choose how you live your life. I, for one, am in awe of everything you’ve accomplished, how driven and confident you are,” he says, lightly gripping my chin.

“Thank you.” My eyes sting with the threat of tears and my heart lurches toward him. The way Damien makes me feel about myself is unlike any other relationship I’ve had with a man. With him, I am confident and secure. He makes me feel safe and beautiful.

He makes me feel loved.

And I think I’m falling in love with him too…

“It’s those qualities of yours, along with your ass, that make me want—”

“Oh, look who we found!” My mother squeals, cutting off Damien’s thoughts. We both twist around to see her and my father walking up to us.

“Oh. Hey, Mom.”

“Are you two on your way to dinner?”

Damien snaps back into his role. “Yeah, we are. Just wanted to take in some of the scenery and enjoy the sun setting before going inside.”

“Well, you’re in luck. We actually got a table on the patio so we can watch the sunset as we eat.” My mother claps her hands in approval and then she shakes her head in awe. “Gosh, you two just make the most beautiful couple. I need a picture.” She starts digging through her purse for her phone.

“No, Mom. That’s really not necessary…”

She waves me off. “Nonsense. These are moments you’re going to want to look back on and remember.” Opening up her camera, she urges us to move closer together.

Damien pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me from behind and encasing me in his warmth. And it feels so good, like we really are a couple and this isn’t just some ploy to make my mother happy.

Maybe this can be real if you just talk to him, Charlotte.

“God, I can just see the grandbabies now.” She takes a few shots. “Can’t you just see how beautiful their children will be, Cal?” she asks over her shoulder, glancing at my father.

“Savannah, let them be,” he says so quietly that my mother completely ignores it. But I can see the smile on my father’s face before he flashes me a wink.

“Are you done, Mom?”

“Yes.” She flicks her finger over the screen. “Gosh, I am going to have to frame this one. Look at you two,” she says before turning the phone toward us. And the picture of Damien and I has my heart bursting.

We do look good together. We do look happy. We do look like we could be in love.

I mean, I think I am. But does Damien feel the same way?

“That is a good picture, Mom. Can you send it to me, please?”

“Already done.” She shoves her phone back in her purse and then reaches for my hand, pulling me toward the restaurant. “Now come on. It’s time to eat, and I want to know how much longer you’re going to wait to make me a grandmother.”

I peer back over my shoulder at Damien, who’s talking to my father, pleading with him to help me. But all he does is grin in my direction and shoot me a wink, leaving me to my mother’s chatter about what season is best for a wedding.

When we arrive at the restaurant, I escape my mother’s hold long enough to give my Aunt Gigi a proper hug.

“God, I’ve missed you, Aunt Gigi,” I say in her ear as I squeeze her as hard as I can.

“Charlotte, it has been far too long.” When she releases me, I take in my mother’s sister, who has always been one of my favorite people in the world.

Aunt Gigi was around a lot when I was younger, but then she moved to Texas when I was ten. She always sent me birthday cards with money every year, and I made sure to keep in contact with her about any significant changes in my life, but it has been months since we last spoke and years since I’ve seen her.

Where my mother has always been extremely focused on her looks and social status, Aunt Gigi is the type of woman who lives her life for herself. She never married and instead established herself as a commercial real estate agent, opening up her own firm in Texas and dominating a male-dominated field. She’s loud, opinionated, and who I want to be when I grow up—because honestly, do you ever really feel like a grown-up, even when you’re technically an adult?

“You are such a stunning young woman,” she says. “California seems to agree with you.”

“It does. I’m very happy there.”

“Damien seems to agree with you too,” she says, arching her brow.

I turn to find him across the room, speaking with another couple of our parents’ friends. “Yeah, he’s…okay.”

Aunt Gigi laughs. “Just okay? If he’s just okay, then he’s not doing it right.”

“Aunt Gigi!” I admonish.

“Charlotte, life is too short to do work you don’t love and have bad sex. Trust me, girl. You can have both.”

I can feel the heat creeping up my cheeks. “Well, luckily I have both right now.” Yes, but for how much longer, Charlotte? As soon as this trip is over, there’s no need for you and Damien to keep pretending to be together anymore…

But are we really still pretending?

“That’s my girl. And how is that fancy job of yours?”