“I didn’t think he’d do it. I’ve never seen him like this…” she sobs into the phone and my gut tells me what she won’t say.

“Did he hit you?” I grate out. “Did he fucking lay his hands on you, Mom?”

“Yes,” she says so quietly, her voice full of shame.

“Are you safe right now?”

“I am. And he’s in custody. I ran to the neighbor’s and stayed there until the cops arrived. They want me to go to the hospital, but it’s not that bad. But I’m scared Damien. I can’t go back to that house.”

“I’m coming to get you,” I say, pushing off the door and heading to my desk to grab my keys and wallet.

“What? No, that’s not necessary.”

“Bullshit. This stops here, Mom. Either it’s him or me,” I say, the ultimatum leaving my lips without a second thought. “You don’t deserve this, and I’m tired of letting him think he can do whatever the fuck he wants.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “I never should have let you leave with him.”

“This is not your fault, Damien. But I’m clear across the country, honey.”

“There are these things called airplanes, Mom.”


“No. I’m coming to get you, and you’re flying back to California with me. He’s never going to touch you again.”

The line is silent for what feels like hours before she finally speaks. “Okay.”

“Okay.” I nod as multiple emotions run through me—anger, sadness, surprise, and more anger. “I’ll find the earliest flight, and I’ll call you in a bit to let you know when I’ll be there. But please go to the hospital, Mom. Get checked out, and then there’s evidence for the police report.”

“I love you, Damien. You are the best son. I don’t deserve you…”

“I love you too, Mom. Stay safe until I get there.” Hanging up and feeling like a junkie as adrenaline races through me, I burst from my office door and stop by Jeffrey’s office to tell him I can’t do lunch anymore. He takes in my frazzled state and immediately understands.

Then I head straight for Dave’s office, knocking frantically on the door.

“Damien, you okay?”

“No. Yes. I…I don’t know, but I need to go out of town for a few days.”

“Well, it’s Friday, so will you be back by Monday?”

“I honestly don’t know. And I’m so fucking sorry, but it’s kind of an emergency. My mom—”

He holds his hand up. “Say no more. I get it. Go. Take care of what you need to and just keep me in the loop on when you think you’ll be back.”

“Thanks, Dave,” I say as I run out of his office and to the elevator, only thinking about how quickly I’m going to be able to get home.

Time seems to be moving faster than I can keep up with, which is ironic considering how the past few days have felt like the longest of my life and now I wish things would just slow down for a minute. But I can’t waste another minute.

Hold on, Mom. I’m coming to save you.