As I push open the door, Dave comes into view, standing behind his desk, staring down at papers strewn all over the surface. But when he looks up, his brow rises with surprise. “Damien. Jeffrey. How can I help you, gentleman?”

“Do you have a moment to speak with us?”

“Yes, of course. Anything for two of my top guys.” He takes a seat behind his desk, but then glances at his watch. “However, I do have another meeting in ten minutes that I need to get to.”

“No problem. This won’t take long.” Jeffrey follows me deeper into Dave’s office, shutting the door behind us. “Dave…we’d like a chance to win the Remedy account for you.”

Dave’s brows rise even further. “Really?”

“Yes.” I stand tall, clasping my hands in front of me.

Dave gives us a quizzical look before sighing out loud. “Look, Damien. You and Jeffrey are good. Hell, you’re two of my top Junior Ad Executives. You guys can sell a sports drink or car to just about anyone. But this Remedy account…it’s different.”

“We know.”

“A woman is just better programmed to sell a product to another woman, especially pertaining to a situation that a man has no experience with.” He shrugs. “I’m sorry.”

“I hear you, Dave…but…”

“Besides, the female psyche isn’t something I reckon you have that much experience with, is it, boys?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, wondering where he’s going with this line of thinking.

Dave grins as he clasps his hands together behind his head. “I was like you two once upon a time—young, unattached, enjoying women for one night only, and then moving on without a second thought. But now I’m married, and it’s different. Being with the same woman changes you.”

“So you think we can’t sell this to women because we don’t have girlfriends? Or wives?”

“I mean, that’s part of it. Being in a relationship means knowing more about a woman than you’ve ever learned before. Believe me, after watching my wife deal with her period, I have a totally different perception of her life as a woman. And not just that, but the preconceived notions she battles every day, the stereotypes and unrealistic expectations put on her to do everything and be everything, the way she questions her identity all of the time. It makes me glad I have a penis, you know?”

“I’m very grateful for my dick,” Jeffrey chimes in, and I fight like hell not to roll my eyes at him.

Being a woman can’t be that bad. And selling products to women? Hell, if it’s something they obviously need to live their lives, how hard can it be? Throw some pink packaging on it, make it sparkle with some glitter, and they’ll be flying off the shelves.

You don’t need to know a woman’s mind to be able to sell her something. But if Dave thinks I do, then perhaps he needs to think I agree with his way of thinking.

I don’t like to lose, and I sure as hell know that we can win this account if we’re just given the chance. And this is my chance to finally stick it to my dad, show him that I am working my way to the top where he thinks I should be, but in a career I chose.

Dear God, please don’t smite me for what I’m about to say. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing that I’m actually dating someone now.”

Jeffrey coughs as if he’s choking on his spit, but I stand there, keeping my eyes fixated on Dave so he doesn’t think I’m bluffing. I can feel the sweat running down my spine as I await Dave’s reaction. My poker face is pretty decent, but this is not the type of lie I’m used to telling.

“Really? You’re dating someone?”

“It’s new.” Yeah, brand fucking new, as in I didn’t even know about this fictional relationship until just right now.

“Well, when did this happen?”

“About a month ago. It’s someone I knew from back home. We reconnected and realized there were unresolved feelings there.” Just keep digging your hole, Damien. “And I totally understand what you mean about knowing more about a woman once she’s a part of your everyday life. It has changed my view on a lot.” Jeffrey pokes me in the shoulder, trying to gain my attention, but I swat him away, continuing to focus on Dave.

Dave’s smile is infectious as he stands from his chair and walks around his desk toward us. “Well, this does change things. I didn’t realize you were in a relationship, Damien.”

“Yeah. It’s getting pretty serious too.” Stop talking, Damien. Stop fucking talking.

“I’d love to meet her. And maybe she can give you some insight that might help you come up with a campaign.” He continues to smile at us both while my heart fights to break out of the straight jacket it’s trapped in inside of my chest.

“I know she can. So does this mean you’ll give us a shot at the account?”

With a narrowed gaze but his lips still smiling, he nods his head. “Yeah, what the hell. Let’s see what you two are made of.”

I reach out to shake his hand, fighting the urge to jump up and down for joy. “You won’t regret this, Dave.”

“I hope not. Make us look good, gentleman.”

“Shall we tell the girls they have competition, or will you?” I’d love nothing more than to burst their bubbles, but I also know we have our work cut out for us, so there’s not much time to gloat.

“I’ll let them know. They won’t be happy, but I think having more than one idea to choose from could actually be a good thing. And hell, we could always merge the two ideas if they both show merit.” He nods, agreeing with himself. “Yes, this is a good idea. Thanks for coming to talk to me, boys.”

“Thank you for the opportunity, Dave. We won’t let you down.” I spin on my heels, pulling a perplexed Jeffrey behind me, exiting Dave’s office and power walking down the hallway until we’re both secured behind my office door and I let out the breath I was holding. “Fucking hell.”

“Damien! What the fuck?” Jeffrey whisper-shouts as I start pacing the room. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“I was thinking that it’s bullshit that our relationship status determined whether we got a shot at this account or not,” I bark out.

“But you lied and said you’re dating someone. What the hell is Dave gonna do when he finds out this woman doesn’t exist?”

“He’s not going to because you’re not going to tell him…”

A knock on my door interrupts our conversation. Jeffrey’s closer, so he opens the barricade, revealing Dave standing on the other side of the door.

“What’s up, Dave? Did you need something?”

“Actually, I came to invite you to the executive dinner next weekend, Damien. It’s usually a bunch of directors, the members of the board, and their wives or girlfriends. Couples only. And since now I know you’re seeing someone, I’d love for you to tag along.”

My heart is pounding. “Dinner?”