The next morning I wake up with Charlotte wrapped up in my arms, the scent of her skin hitting my nostrils as I take in a deep breath. “Good morning.” Pressing a kiss to her shoulder, I wait for her to stir and press her ass back into me.

God, I love her ass.

“Good morning,” she says sleepily. “What time is it?”

“A little before seven.”

“Our breakfast will be here soon.” She spins to face me, her face pure and absolutely gorgeous after she just wakes up.

God, I want to wake up to her like this for the rest of my life.

“My breakfast is right here,” I say before reaching down between her legs and running my finger across her slit. And damn, she’s already fucking ready for me. “Good dream last night?”

“Maybe.” She smirks and then gasps as I push a finger inside of her. “Damien…”

“What Char?”

“Make me come,” she commands as she widens her legs and gives me full access to her.

“I’ll gladly deliver on that part of our deal,” I say as I latch my lips onto one of her nipples and suck the nub gently before burying my face between her legs and bringing her to orgasm in record time.

Once she’s physically sated and resituated in my arms, a knock on the door interrupts us. I answer it once I slip a pair of shorts on, collect our breakfast, and then fall back in bed, where I press Charlotte about last night. “So, you wanna tell me what happened yesterday?”

She sighs as she drags her nails through my chest hair. “Well, I kind of got in a fight with Penelope Friday night when the girls got here, and then yesterday things were just awkward while we were seeing the sights.”

“What happened?”

She sucks in her lips as she gathers her thoughts. “We both said some things that were a little harsh.”


“I hate fighting with her, or any of my friends for that matter, but I just feel like so many things are spiraling out of control right now and she tried telling me what she thinks I should do, but her honesty…stung a bit.”

“So you stung her back?”


“Well, I’m sure you both are feeling bad about it. Maybe you should just talk it out.”

“I know. I want to, but I have to get ready with my mom and aunt this morning, which is stressful enough.”

I pull her closer to me. “You’ll figure it out. You girls are too close and have been friends for too long to let something like this come between you.”

She closes her eyes and rests her head on my chest. “I hope so.”

After Charlotte insists on returning my earlier favor with a blowjob to rival the one she gave me in her office, we say our goodbyes as she grabs her dress and heads for the bridal suite, where the girls will be getting ready. Thus, leaving me alone for the remainder of the morning.

The ceremony isn’t until four, so I figure I’d get in a good gym session beforehand and then maybe call Jeffrey to make sure nothing is falling apart back home.

I’m happy to find the hotel’s gym empty when I arrive, so I take my time with some cardio before doing a weight-lifting routine that I know will help burn off some calories and pent-up aggression.

I’m in the middle of a barbell squat when my father’s voice pulls my attention away from my breathing.

“Only three-hundred pounds? You’ve gotten weak, Son,” he says as I watch him walk into the room in the mirror in front of me.

“You look better than I thought you would this morning,” I reply as I finish my rep and set the bar back on the racks.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Bourbon doesn’t usually agree with you. Good to know you’ve built up your tolerance.” I walk around him, grabbing my water bottle from the floor as I go to the sanitizing station, grabbing a towel and spray to clean off all of the equipment I just used. Now that my dad’s here, I’m definitely not sticking around.

“Well, a real man can handle any kind of booze, Damien. And where did you wander off to last night? Back to your room to your girlfriend?”

“Where else would I have gone, Dad?”

He shakes his head at me. “I just never thought I’d see the day that my son was pussy-whipped.”

“Excuse me?”

“That girl has you throwing your life away. No pussy is that good, Son.”

“Is that what you said about Mom? Was she just the safe choice and that’s why you married her?”

“You leave your mother out of this,” he says, coming toward me now.

“I think it’s only fair I question your relationship choices since you’re questioning mine.”

“You wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t chosen your mother, and you’d be wise to remember that.”

“Good to know that she was worthy enough for you to procreate with, and I’m the lucky sperm that was fortunate enough to be your son and the object of your unhealthy affection.”

“You’ve gotten pretty bold in the time since we’ve seen each other. Good to know you still have some balls.” He eyes me up and down before raising his chin to me. “I just don’t want to see you end up unhappy, with a woman who isn’t going to be the type of partner you need.”

“I find it ironic that you don’t find your best friends’ daughter worthy enough for your son,” I argue. “Do Cal and Savannah know that you feel this way about her?”

“That’s irrelevant.”

I smile smugly. “No, I don’t think it is. Perhaps they might find this information interesting after over twenty years of friendship.”

“I don’t like the tone you’re taking with me right now, Damien,” he warns. “You need to remember who you’re speaking to.”

“Oh, I’ll never forget the way my father speaks to me, Dad. And you’d be wise to remember that.” I throw the towel in the basket for dirty towels and then head for the door. “See you at the ceremony.”