“No. It’s just…don’t they melt? That seems messy.”

“Sometimes,” she explains as we both keep picking up items. “But I have to have some on hand at all times. Chocolate makes everything better.”


“Oh yeah. Bad day? Eat a chocolate. Annoying driver on the road? Eat a chocolate. And of course, when your period won’t let up, I have to have chocolates on hand. They improve my mood instantly.” As she says this, she lifts the foil off one and plops it in her mouth.

“Is there writing on that?” I ask as we both stand.

“Yes. This is my favorite part actually. Each wrapper has a message inside. Some are more inspirational than others, but they can sometimes turn my entire day around.”

I take the foil from her and read the message inside. “Don’t settle for a spark. Light a fire instead.”

Our eyes lock and I wonder if she’s thinking what I am. Charlotte and I have always felt like two raging fires battling for bragging rights of who could burn faster and hotter. Maybe that’s what’s always been missing with every other woman, why no other girl has ever got my motor running—because Charlotte has always made it rev the fastest.

“This is brilliant advertising,” I say, handing the wrapper back to her.

“Yes, it is.” She flattens out the foil and then places it gently in her purse. “And Dove is one of our clients for the magazine, so I always have an endless supply.” She straightens up again, clutching her purse under her arm. “Alright, I’m really leaving this time.”

“Have a good night,” I say as I open the door and watch her walk through the opening.

“Bye, Damien,” she says with a wave, and then she walks down the hallway toward the elevator, leaving me standing there with an unfamiliar warmth and desire resting in my chest. But I shake it off, close my door, and head for bed, knowing that tomorrow is what I need to focus on.

This dinner can make or break this ruse. I just hope that Charlotte brings her A-game, and doesn’t wear something too distracting. The last thing I need is to be tempted by her even more than I already am.

Fuck, I’m in over my head. And that’s not somewhere I’m used to being.