Aidan dipped his chin at Brennan. "Until fuckface over there figures out how to read minds."

"I’m closer to that breakthrough than you think," I mocked, but my tone was pious enough that they all glanced at each other.

Hiding my laughter because they didn’t know if I was lying or not, I watched as Aidan headed over to the chair in front of me and took a seat.

I couldn’t imagine how much better he felt for not being in constant pain; I owed Savannah everything for taking that away from him. Maybe his doctor had done the surgery, but it was Savvie who’d gotten through to him, who’d forced him to get a second opinion.

"You got a plan?" Brennan queried, getting shit back on track.

"How long until dinner?" Finn asked Declan.

He shrugged. "Aoife was slicing carrots."

"Good. We have time to talk, then." To Aidan, he prompted, "Let us in, Aidan. Don’t be like… Da. Keeping all this shit back."

Aidan pursed his lips. "I ain’t keeping shit back. It’s not like that. I don’t know if what I’m thinking is attainable."

"Let us be your sounding board," Eoghan murmured.

I cracked my knuckles. "You been thinking about what I sent you the other day?"

Aidan nodded, but Finn demanded, "What did you send him the other day? And why the fuck weren’t we CC’ed on the conversation?"

My eyes ached with how hard I rolled them. "Finn, calm down, dude. Seriously, you’re getting to the age where we have to watch your heart."

He gaped at me before he seethed, "You’re only a couple years younger than me, oh, wise one."

I grinned at him. "It’s about time you knew I was from a different time and age."

"Feels like some creepy backstory for a comic book hero," Dec drawled, planting his cheek on his fist as he got comfortable on the sofa.

We were too used to the bickering not to take our comforts where we could find them.

Aidan snorted. "Shut the fuck up you two."

I snorted right back. "But it’s so much fun."

"I got a fucking migraine," he groused, taking another sip. His features relaxed for a couple seconds, as if the alcohol were all it took to calm him. "Tell ‘em."

"When Lodestar broke into my apartment—" I was gonna spank her for that. Especially when my brothers started snickering. "—she left something for me."

"A turd on the bed?" Declan joked.

I huffed. "No. Information. Bear—"

"The Old Satan’s Sinners’ Prez?" Brennan questioned.

"Yup. He’d uncovered a fountain of information about the Sparrows. Good and bad shit. Things that help us, things that don’t."

"I should have been included in this conversation," Finn snapped, bristling.

Aidan rubbed his eyes. "I told him to give me a head start."


His jaw worked. "Because I take longer to read than you do."

Silence fell among us.