"Haven’tyou seen those moms on social media who are totally strung out after having kids so close together?" I screeched the second Jen told me she was pregnantagainafter having Saverina, like, five minutes ago.

Immediately huffing, she stacked her hands on her hips and sniped, "What use is that now? Do you and Aidan use social media as a contraceptive?"

"No. We use clever things like the shot to make sure we don’t get pregnant. You hate kids. Why do you want another one?" When a weird smile curved her lips, I gasped, "You’re happy about this!"

She grumbled, "This is why I didn’t tell you right away. I knew you’d be like this."

"You knew I’d be the voice of reason," I retorted, refusing to feel hurt because I knew what that meant—Aoife had found out about Jen’s pregnancy first.

This wasn’t fourth grade, however, so I didn’t let it get to me.

"What voice of reason? Telling me to watch videos of strung-out momsafterI pissed on a stick and found out I’m pregnant?"

"Yes! Anyway, you're the one who told me that if you ever decided to get pregnant, I was to drag you to a psychiatrist first. I didn’t do it with Saverina, but maybe I should have."

"That was before. I didn't exactly have a great role model, Savvie. Now, I have a family."

I folded my arms across my chest before I grouched, "I’ll bet Luciu’s happy."

"He is. We both are."

Sniffing, I strolled over to the window and leaned against it as I peered onto the city ahead.

"Aren’t you going to congratulate me at all?" she groused.

"Since when did we do things like that?" I countered.

"You mean, since when did we act like regular human beings? Oh, I don’t know when that started."

"I do. When we got married. That’s when everything changed," I said glumly.

"Is Aidan pressuring you to have kids? Is that why you’re spewing anti-children propaganda at me? You said it yourself, you're not the one who hates them."

I didn't particularly like them but my new nieces and nephews were cute. And Shay was the only O'Donnelly who knew how to debate so that was always a fun time.

I scowled. "No. If anything, he said he wanted a battalion of kids but he’s changed his mind."

Jen shook her head. "Are you pouting?"

"No. I don’t want a battalion of kids." I glowered at her. "Did he pressure you into having sex early or something? Savvie’s a newborn!"

"Feminism 101, babe. Doctor gave me permission at six weeks, and I jumped back on that saddle the second I could."

Her cheerful tone had me demanding, "I know you love being anally probed, but I just had proof that Luciu is from Mars because his dick has clearly fucked with your mind. What the hell has he done with my best friend?"

She smirked. "You said it yourself… Made me fall for his cock."

I pshawed at her until she sidled up to me and tucked her arm around my waist. "I’m happy, Savvie."

My nose crinkled. "I’m glad you are."

A laugh escaped her. "You’re feeling chirpy today, aren’t you?"

"Sorry," I said on a sigh. "I don’t mean to be a bitch."