"Shouldn’t have gone there," I dismissed. "You saw him speaking with Eamonn Keegan?"

"Yes. I’ve been monitoring him nonstop since Grainne gave us the address."

I sucked in a breath. "Jonesy’s really acheile?"

"He is. I haven’t been able to get inside his apartment to plant bugs yet, but the visuals are impossible to deny. I’ll send them over to you now."

My phone buzzed so I placed it on speaker and sought out the photos he’d sent.

"Unless he has a twin brother—" He didn’t. "—that’s him," I agreed.

The camera was clearly a CCTV device that Conor had hacked into because I could see Jonesy standing in the hallway, shaking hands with an unknown person. The stranger’s fingers were literally the only parts of him that were visible.

Another photo showed me the same scene from a different angle—this one from the street side.

Eamonn Keegan’s face was barely on show, but I was still able to make out that he was the one greeting Jonesy.

"What do you want to do?"

"You send these to anyone else?"

"Nope. Not yet."

I zoomed in on Keegan’s hands—the wrists were badly scarred.

Filing that away, I told him, "Share the photos with family only. I want eyes and ears on Jonesy. I want to know where he goes, what he eats, when he takes a fucking piss—I want to know it all."

"You don’t want to bring him in?"

"No. I want to know what the ECD is planning. I want to know why Keegan is still in New York."

"He’s lying low."

"Hardly," I mocked. "The man’s got hookers on speed dial, and his apartment building is nothing to be sniffed at."

"It’s not impossible to lie low in style," Conor retorted.

"I doubt it."

Conor was silent for a little too long, enough to raise my suspicions.

"What is it?"

"As much as it pains me to say this, I have it on good authority that the ECD are allied with us against the Sparrows."

Brow puckering, I demanded, "What do you mean?"

"I mean they’re anti-Sparrows. How the hell can I reword that?" he sniped.

"Are you defending the guy who shot and killed our father?!"

"No." He sighed. "Well, not really. I’m not defending that. I’m just telling you what I know."

"Which is?"

"That last bombing Keegan was sent up for—it wasn’t for the ECD cause. He blew up a building where a bunch of Sparrows were having a meeting. Some of their top brass got slaughtered."

"Jesus," I rasped.