And held it.

Her eyes flared wider as she strained for oxygen.

But the trust...

It floored me.

She didn't panic.

She held it.

And held it.

Before I let go.

As the air penetrated her lungs after it whistled in down her nose, her pussy rebelled.

This time, she came around me, and I felt her slickness drench me as she screeched with her pleasure.

I rode her through it, not stopping now until I was biting off curses as I exploded inside her.

Only when I was done did I pull away.

Only then did I realize she was sleeping.

Grinning sheepishly, I shook my head as I pulled out of her, hissing at the release of pressure.

I stared at our mutual mess, smiling in delight, then began to unravel her from the bindings I’d put her in.

She didn’t even make a murmur. Not when I released her legs and settled them on the bed. Not when I unfastened her hands or untied the gag.

Once she was free, she rolled onto her side with a sigh and continued sleeping.

I pressed a kiss to her temple and told her, "Baby girl, you need to go pee."

She mumbled under her breath and flopped a hand on the sheet. "Later."

"Savannah," I warned, smiling as she huffed and trudged off to the bathroom.

Swiping my boxers over my abs to clean up some, I dragged them on then, heading into the closet, tossed the necktie and the silk ties into the laundry basket.

After, I doused the spreader bar with some spray alcohol and stored it in the drawer that used to house my watches but was now starting to overflow with the toys I’d been buying for Savvie—I still needed to add the French maid’s costume to it. Maybe I’d get her that for Christmas?

Only once everything was put to rights did I grab my cell phone from where I’d tossed it on the mattress earlier, taking note that she was still in the bathroom.

All I really fucking wanted was to get into bed with her and sleep for six hours, but Conor was waiting for my call, and I knew he wouldn’t let me rest until I’d talked to him.

The moment the door to my office was closed behind me, I dialed his number and snapped, "What?"

"You’re doing sex wrong if you’re this fucking grouchy afterward."

"I don’t need a critique on how I 'do' sex, Conor. What the hell are you calling me for at this time of the night?"

"Thought you’d want to know Jonesy is with the ECD. But if that’s not as interesting as—"

Though my brain screeched to a halt, I still snarled, "Nothing’s more interesting than Savannah’s pussy. Just FYI."
