Me:Shit, you’re right. Daddy said she had her treatment in Switzerland. Some vacation.

Me:You know, I used to get grounded for lying?

Aidan:Lol. That sounds about right too. Anyway, I’m not sure you can ground your parents. Can you imagine Da on the naughty step?

Me:Lol. Don’t make me laugh.

Me:I hate that she went through this without us.

Aidan:She told your father, baby. She wasn’t alone. Maybe he was who she needed to get her through.

Aidan:Maybe she needed to be Lorelei during her treatment, not ‘Mom.’

Me:I hate that that makes sense. Stop being logical.

Aidan:I can’t help it. :P

Me:I guess if we’d been there, we’d have hovered over her, and she’d have wasted energy she didn’t have trying to spare our feelings when she was the one who needed the attention.

Aidan:I’m thinking so, yes.

Me:Being a mom sucks.

Aidan:Another reason why I’m only going to put you through it once.

Me:What if I change my mind?

Aidan:And want two? Lol. That’ll never happen. Stop being ornery.

Me:¯\_(?)_/¯ If the shoe fits. ¯\_(?)_/¯

Aidan:Do you need me to come home, little one?

Me:No. I’m fine. Well, I’m not but I have work to do, and I know you’re busy. Thank you though. I just needed to tell you but if I say it out loud it makes me cry. I hate fucking crying.

Aidan:I know, baby. But you can always cry in front of me. No shame between us. Ever.



Me:I love you.

Aidan:Love you too.

Aidan:You never have to thank me for being there, Savannah. You’re my wife. My fucking everything.


Aidan:Dork. Lol.