"I don’t see why not. Especially if they think they can take out the weakest link early on," I replied before I changed the subject too. "The Russians are our allies. Why would they bribe one of Da’s guards?"

"You just sliced off the tongue of the only man who could tell you," Finn grumbled.

"He’s got a hand still," Brennan drawled. "He can write his answers down."

Finn let loose an impatient sigh.

"How did you know something was going on with him, Aidan?" Declan inquired.

"There’s an advantage to being an ex-junkie. I know how to spot the signs in other people, and I know how fucking low they’ll sink to feed their habit." To Brennan, I said, "I want answers."

He cracked his knuckles. "Leave it with me."