"About the cancer or the book?" Before she could answer, I muttered, "Whichever. No. Just like Star has the right to share her truth, you do too. And while I understand why you want your privacy regarding your health, I think you’re foolish to cut us out when we could support you. Still, I won’t preach or lecture you. I have to get going, but I’ll call later."


"Because I take you for granted and I shouldn’t. Every day is precious."

"This is what I didn’t want to change, dammit. Savvie, you have your own life, and I have no desire to infringe upon that."

"You’re not infringing. My husband and his father had a shitty relationship, and yet, I’m living with the fact he misses him and can’t even comprehend that he misses him because he didn’t particularly like him.

"I’m seeing how confusing that is with my own eyes. And I don’t dislike you, Mom. We get along great. Maybe you always were more on Camden’s wavelength, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t appreciate every day we have together because nothing is guaranteed. Especially not in our world."

"You really feel that Camden and I are on the same wavelength?" Her tone was laced with her shock.

I found comfort in that.

"I’m the odd duck. I’m fine with that. I never wanted to ride off Daddy’s coat tails, whereas Camden and the twins were fine with that."

"I’m sure they’d disagree with that character assassination."

"I’m sure they would," I said smoothly. "That’s why we argue a lot."

Her laughter was gentle. "Okay, Savvie. I’ll look forward to your call."

"Later, Mom."

Wishing I could slam my phone down, instead, I just disconnected the line then stared blankly at the island in front of me.

Hands tightening around the kitchen counter, I bowed my head as my eyes started leaking. I tried to process the fact that Mom had been sick and hadn’t told any of her kids, but it wasn't easy.

My temper swiftly got the better of me and I rang Dad, greeting him with, "You should have told us."

His silence wasn't because of the words, but my tone.

He wasn't used to me being angry with him.

I was, after all, a daddy’s girl.

Always had been.

As his eldest daughter, I knew I’d seen a side of him that Aspen and Paris never had.

I’d known him before he wastheDagger Daniels.noxxious’sfame had exploded when I was a kid, and there’d been a time when it had definitely gone to his head, ego,anddick.

The latter I wished I knew nothing about.

Eventually, a deep sigh sounded in my ear. "It was her choice. What was I supposed to do? Go behind her back to tell you?"

I huffed out a breath. "I don’t know. Sent it to us via smoke signal? Given us a hint?"

"She didn’t want that, honey. I didn’t think she wanted that now, to be honest. She really told you?"

"I broke into her file at the hospital and read it all."


"I’m joking," I groused. "Yes, she told me. But I don’t think she meant to. It was more like I surprised her."

"You can’t surprise your mother."