"I try." She quirked a brow at me in a silent prompt.

"Okay, okay. It’s not my fault."

"Nice to know you’re not an egomaniac."

"Aidan wouldn’t agree."

"He’s your husband. Of course he wouldn’t."

Amused, I let loose a chuckle, but when I thought about the woman in my kitchen, it softened into a sad sigh. "I’ll do what I can."

Rachel nodded. "Let me know what’s going on."

"How long until he’s out?"

"Less than fifty hours."

"I’m on the clock." I dragged open the front door and said, "Appreciate the home visit."

"My pleasure. Hopefully, we’ll speak soon."

As I closed the door, I twisted around and checked my watch. Not long until I had to go out… Damn.

I retreated to the kitchen where Cassie was sitting, and I said, "You and my sister-in-law would get along great. I barely use this room, and you haven’t left it since you arrived."

She shot me a tired look. "The kitchen is the heart of the home. Or, at least, it should be."

I shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat."

It was weird because she was the same woman I’d always known, and yet, I didn’t really know her anymore. We’d both gotten married in the time that separated us, and her marriage had ended badly, and mine was only just starting…

But, once upon a time, she’d been interested in journalism. Maybe that was something that could fill the void between us.

"I have to go out. Would you like to come with me?"

Her lashes fluttered. "I-I shouldn’t."

"Why not? He’s in jail. This is the only time where you’ll definitely be safe from his reach."

Her cheeks blanched.

"Sorry," I offered, feeling bad when I realized that might have been a low blow.

"Don’t say that if you don’t mean it," was her sharp retort. "I’ve had more sorries over the last five years than I’ve had punches to the gut. Sorry doesn’t mean anything without action behind it."

"Won’t hear me arguing. And Iamsorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I was just being honest."

She pursed her lips. "I know you think I’m stupid."

"I think you shouldn’t put words in my mouth. I know you’re scared. In fact, I can pretty much feel it from across the room. You vibrate with it. But the only way to stay safe from him is to put his ass in jail long term. I, however, can’t make you do dick.

"I have to go out. I have an appointment, and I don’t want to leave you alone, so that’s why I invited you to come with me."

"What kind of appointment could a friend tag along to?"

"The kind that’s an interview." Excitement flushed through me. "You heard of Grainne Ledger?"

She snorted. "Who hasn’t heard of Manhattan’s Madam?"