Me:Any news, Daddy?

Daddy:She’s doing well, sweetheart. I’m sticking close to her side—you don’t have to worry.

Me:Has she woken up yet?

Daddy:No. She’s still out of it.

Me:Text me when she does?

Daddy:I will. She won’t want to speak with you, baby.

Me:I know. Daddy?

Daddy:Yes, honey.

Me:Did we do something wrong? For her to react like this, I mean?

Daddy:No! This isn’t on you. It’s on your mom and her odd family.

Me:What do you mean?

Daddy:Your grandparents were weird about illnesses. I think it was the hippy in them. Why take a pill when you could smoke an herb? They made her the same.

Daddy:Remember that time she told everyone she sprained her ankle and hobbled around for weeks with a broken toe?

Me:Oh... yeah! I remember that. God, that was years ago.

Daddy:She hates canes, casts, bandages. If you ask her, she’ll tell you they make her physically sick.

Me:Jesus! How didn’t I know that?

Daddy:Well, she knows it’s irrational and didn’t want you to be the same. Just like how she hates elevators and enclosed spaces but never let on that she did with you kids so you wouldn’t be scared of them too.

Daddy:This is just her way of trying to protect everyone. She doesn’t want to look weak or frail, and she doesn’t want to put herself on you either.

Me:But she wouldn’t be. I’d prefer to be there than sitting here, wondering what was happening.

Daddy:She’d have preferred the opposite when her mom was ill. That’s why she’s trying to save you from it.

Me:Isn’t that our decision to make?

Daddy:Yup. Don’t worry, honey. When I’m sick, I totally expect all my spawn to haunt the hospital.

Me::P I know. You milked the hell out of that knee replacement surgery two years ago.

Daddy:A father’s right. I’ll make up for her being a weirdo.

Me:LMAO. Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

Daddy:;) You’re welcome, baby. Get some rest. It’s gonna be a long night, but the doctors are hopeful. This was totally a preventative measure. She’s going to be fine. Xo

Me:Thank you, Daddy. Love you xo

Daddy:Love you too, pumpkin. xo