"I need champagne. Fuck the mimosas."

Aoife chuckled. "Tell us how you really feel, Savannah."

I glowered at her as I slammed my ass down on the seat and held out a hand. Though she rolled her eyes at me, she poured me a glass and passed it over.

Taking a deep drink, I sighed as the fizz hit my veins.

"What's wrong with you, anyway?" Aela groused as Cameron gnawed on her boob.

"He can't understand me yet, can he?"

"I think it's too late to wonder about that," Aoife drawled.

I flipped her the bird. "I'm horny."

Inessa snorted then clapped her nose as she managed to swallow bubbles up her nose; as she choked, Camille asked, "How can you be horny?"

"Aidan won't fuck me until the burns have healed." I pouted. "He's cockblocking me, ladies.Cockblockingme. And he’s doing it by avoiding me. The jerk-off."

"Cameron, welcome to the world of Auntie Savannah," Aela crooned. "You do something nice for your wife, let her heal up, and she still gives you shit for it."

"I got it at first, but this is the fifth day. It's a good thing we're having this impromptu afternoon tea because I'd have lost my shit otherwise."

Aela cast me a look. "I think you need to record the things you say and listen back to them."

Inessa chuckled. "Like inArrested Development."

"I'm not as bad as Tobias," I grumbled.

"You almost are," Inessa teased with a grin.

I huffed. "You’d think he’d realize how great sex is as a distraction."

"Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to do it. They’re dealing with a lot right now. That’s why we’re here and not having dinner at my place this evening," Aoife pointed out.

"Well,Iwant to be distracted."

"Ever heard of B.O.B."

"No, what’s his number?" I mocked before I cast a glance around the suite we were in. "Surprised they let us in just for the afternoon."

Aoife picked up a finger sandwich. "I learned something about the hotel while I was living here."


"Have you seenJohn Wick?"

"Of course she has," Aela retorted, which had me grinning.

"You know me so well, Aela."

"Too well for such a short length of time," she complained.

"There’s a special hotel in the movie," Aoife continued before the conversation could derail.