"These balls were earned."
"No, I think you were... cultivated that way. Just like I was cultivated another. It's okay. I can accept that." She bit her lip. "Eoghan’s—"
"Eoghan's, what?"
"When we were on our honeymoon, he did a job." She laughed at me as my only reaction was to take another sip of wine. "Don't pretend you're not dying to know who, what, and when."
Sheepishly, I shrugged. "I wanted to be polite."
"You're not a polite person, Savannah. You should embrace your flaws as well as your strengths."
I laughed. "That might be one of the wisest things anyone has ever said to me."
"Happy to be of service," she drawled with a crinkle of her nose. "He gave me some details, not many, but it led to some… issues.
"He's crazy protective anyway, and he's only gotten worse, then Conor comes around one day, tells me that Eoghan wants him to fix something on his computer. He asks me to make him a smoothie, and the next thing I know, the window he's standing in front of has spiderweb cracks..."
My mouth gaped—whatever I’d expected from my visit today, it definitely wasn’t this conversation. "It was fired at?" I sputtered.
"I’m going to assume so. Neither Conor nor Eoghan would tell me anything. But ever since, he’s been furious with Conor. To the point where they’re barely speaking.
"From that alone, I know theywerebullets, and I know that Eoghan would only be so angry if he believed Conor put me in danger.
"How he’d think I was considering the glass didn't break, and I was in another room, and Conor was clearly the one putting himself in danger, I don’t know."
"PTSD paranoia for you."
"Exactly." She placed the bottle back in the fridge now that she'd poured herself a glass, then she turned around, took a sip of her own, and asked, "Have you heard of Kembesh?"
"Yes and no."
"Meaning I've never been, don't particularly want to go, but I know there was a battle there that the government had to do a clean-up job on."
"Eoghan was there."
My eyes widened. "Really? Shit, that must have been in the redacted parts of his record."
"He has nightmares about it. They come and go depending on his stress levels, but they’re back. With a vengeance."
"Off the top of my head, there was a battalion of soldiers stranded at a station. They were surrounded by the enemy, and the US left them to their fate. If Eoghanwasthere, then I'm not certain if that story is even true."
"Ever since the honeymoon, and that thing with Conor, he's terrified for my safety. I was late back from college a week ago and when I got home—"
My hand snatched at hers. "He didn't hurt you?"
Inessa derided, "No, he’d never hurt me. Himself? Sure. He didn't eat for two days, didn't sleep. Insisted on escorting me to school. Watched the repairmen working on the window like they were self-confessed rapists. Wouldn’t utter a word about what was going on." She sighed. "Don’t they understand that we worry about them as much as they worry about us?"
"They’re men, Inessa. So, no."
"It’s very annoying," she sniped.
"Tell me about it. But, and I’m not excusing him or your concerns for his well-being, after what happened this weekend, can you blame him for being scared for you?" I reasoned.
The exhalation she released was heavy. "And there's the bitch of it. College is a party for most people in my year. It isn't like that for me."
"Do you like learning?"