"Aidan won't kill you, Lucas. Not unless you're acheile. Or a Sparrow. Are you either?"

"No," he muttered crossly. "But you have to be as much trouble as them."

"You're full of compliments today," I drawled, but I shuffled out of the car as easily as I'd climbed in.

He frowned at me as he backed up. "What are you doing?"

"You told me what I wanted to know so we're going to see my sister-in-law."

Relief lit his eyes. Honestly, he’d be a handsome bastard if he'd just chill out. I'd never seen a more stressed-out man in my life.

Before I left, I turned to Cade. "Glad to see you back on your feet."

His ears turned pink.

Literally, pink.

That was the cutest shit I'd seen in my life. And coming from a man that fine, it was even fucking cuter.

"Thank you. I'm sorry about Sunday."

I shrugged. "Not your fault you had an allergy to whatever bit you."

He swallowed but dipped his chin in silent farewell.

Tucking my arm into Lucas’s, who tensed up the second I did it, I murmured, "You two need to find ways to relax."

"These aren't relaxing times, Savannah. Men on our crew, brothers we trusted, have betrayed us. Your husband is on the loose, hunting down enemies and spies and..." He released a breath. "No, these aren't relaxing times."

He had a point.

I peered up at him as we walked around the block where my car was waiting for me, Mickey, standing much as Cade had, at its side.

Lucas opened the door for me and I climbed in. He clambered onto the seat beside me.

"Take me to Inessa's place," I ordered, tacking on, "please," when I realized how bullish I sounded.

Goddamn Aspen. She always made me act like such a bitch.

I grabbed my cellphone as Mickey obeyed and pulled us out into traffic.

Seeing Conor had been a busy boy, I pulled up the file on Cassie and started reading through it.

Because he'd seen I'd read his message, he bumped it:

Conor:Trust you to know the blogger everyone's talking about.

I stared at the certificate of the domain name listing he’d sent me over.

Me:I live to make mischief. Keep it quiet though, yes?

Conor:I'm the soul of discretion.

Me:Ha. I'm sure.

He was right, though.

CassiedidrunWe Cream For Ice Scream. It wasn't simply Aoife who'd gone viral; it was Cassie too.