Aidan:I know I said this already, but after what we learned last night, THANK YOU. All of you.

Eoghan:You getting maudlin on us?

Conor:Eoghan, did you know that it’s more difficult to get clean the second time around? Nothing maudlin about what could have gone down.

Eoghan:That would never have happened.

Finn:You don’t know that. I’m thankful it didn’t.

Declan:Agreed. I’m grateful they didn’t fuck you up, Aidan.

Brennan:Me fucking too.

Conor:You heard Anthony, Eoghan. Mark was just waiting to dose him up with heroin.

Aidan:It was too close a call. Especially if Mark had given the task to Jonesy. They could have injected me with heroin at the site of the crash.

Eoghan:Unlikely. His job was to get you out of there and to move you to a secondary location. Plus, it was personal for Mark. It wasn’t for Jonesy.

Finn:Jesus, we know to come to you for reassurance, don’t we?

Eoghan:Just saying it how it is.

Aidan:That it didn’t happen tonight doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen in the future. It’s a weakness our enemies will exploit. I’m sorry, deartháirs.

Declan:They could jack anyone up on heroin, Aidan. It’s not unique to you. You only think it is because of your past.

Aidan:The irony is that I thought I did a good job of hiding my addiction, but that bastard knew.

Conor:Any and all weaknesses can be exploited. There’s no point in worrying about it. No point in regretting what’s done. We just have to make sure that what happened can’t happen again.

Eoghan:You’re living in a fairy tale if you think that’s easy to plan against. No one knows more than me how easy it is to take a life.

Brennan:Okay, you two, what the fuck’s going on? Tell us before I ram your heads together.

Eoghan:I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Conor:Dunno what you mean.

Brennan:Bullshit. Eoghan’s been acting like he’s quit sugar around you for what feels like months now, Conor. What the fuck have you done to piss him off?

Declan:You HAVE been a moody SOB, Eoghan.

Eoghan:Sometimes, the PTSD hits harder than others. Anyway, I’m gonna get some sleep before we have to get back to the factory. Glad you and Savannah are home and safe, Aidan.

Conor:Me too.

Declan:And me. Fuck, nearly took a couple years off my life when Conor called us.

Finn:Jesus, it was the same for me.

Brennan:Thought it was one of Kid’s stupid jokes at first.
