Removing a shoe, I stood on the disgustingly filthy floor. "Aidan, this is proof of how much I love you."

Standing on the net, my sole squished against the blood. I preferred to wear those torture devices I called stilettos rather than feel the gross texture against my toes. These heels were a half-size too small and I figured that was the only reason they were still on my feet—because they were lodged on.

What could I say? I hadn’t been able to resist them.

"No impulse control comes in useful sometimes," I muttered to no one in particular as I slammed the heel into the glass shielding the flashlight’s bulb.

The noise was jarring, and it hurt my entire body to jostle myself, but I did it again and again until, finally, it worked.

The glass shattered, tumbling inward. The pieces were too small but I didn’t damage the lightbulb. It meant I had to hold the flashlight in a vertical position like an uplighter—considering the state of the floor, I didn’t think that was such a bad thing.

Hooking my shoe back on because no way was I walking in this gunk again, I shuffled over to the door and put my ear to it to make sure that no one was incoming because they’d heard me fumbling around.

The flashlight was hefty enough to do some damage to a skull, so I tightened my grip around it as I waited for something.


But there was nothing.

Not even a single sound.

What the hell?

Had they just dumped us and left for the night? Or had they gone to collect someone?

Confused and angry and in pain and grossed out by our location, I strode back to Aidan.

Without any care, I dragged off the duct tape from his mouth. I felt like a bitch, but I hoped it’d wake him up.

It didn’t.

Huffing, I pressed the back of my hand to his mouth—more confirmation of normal breathing. Then, I carefully lifted an eyelid and shone the light into it—that provided me with no clue as the pupils constricted, and I had no way of knowing if that was from the intense light in such a dark spaceora dose of heroin.

Desperate, I shoved his sleeves up and checked for track marks—there were none.

Finally free from the specter that he’d been doped, my relief took a chokehold on me. Tears pricked my eyes, and I had to shake them off because I didn’t have time to cry.

Later, I’d sob.

Now, I grabbed the largest glass shard that had collected around the bulb and rested the flashlight on his lower abdomen so that I could get to work on cutting the zip tie.

It was finicky and sweaty and I cut myself with the glass and blood got everywhere but finally, I made a nick in the plastic.

Buoyed by that, when my hand slipped, I grimaced as it sliced into his arm.

"Shit, sorry, my love," I whispered, not expecting a response, but when I got one, I froze.


It was more of a slur than I’d like, but I’d take it.

I’d fucking take it.

On the brink of yet more pathetic tears, I murmured, "Aidan, I need you to stay quiet, baby. I’m trying to free us."

His entire body tensed then as if he’d been shocked with a taser.

His voice immediately changed. "Where are we?"