The cement factorywas a working front.

That meant cement was fabricated on-site, but its production was mostly there as a cover.

Didn’t mean that we didn’t provide our construction sites with cement from this place, just that most of the factory was used for Five Points’ business.

With Grainne’s texts reverberating around my head, my temper was spiking at what MacMurray had done, but also at how she’d tried to manipulate me with that whole, ‘Your father would punish him,’ bullshit.

From the looks I got as I walked into the warehouse at the back of the factory, I figured my displeasure was etched into the lines of my face.


It was time to prove that the apple might have fallen far from the fucking tree, but that didn't mean the same worm wasn't crawling in it.

I didn’t know where he’d gotten all the chairs from, but Brennan had lined up hundreds of them and had created an aisle for me to walk down.

I’d have felt like a bride walking to my doom if, at the end of it, MacMurray wasn’t lying on the floor, taped up with enough duct tape that there was barely any of his flesh peeping through the bindings.

There’d been hushed mutterings before I showed up but, upon my arrival, the chatter reached a fever pitch.

It prolonged the adrenaline boost that my short text conversation with Grainne had triggered.

Despite my annoyance at her attempt to manipulate me, even before Savannah, I’d hated it when women were mistreated.

My da used to say that it was women who paid for the sins of men, and I knew that to be the truth.

Most of these fuckers in here hadn’t had their mom kidnapped and brutally gang-raped. They hadn’t almost lost her several times over the years as the past ate her alive.

No, women were supposed to be safe in the Five Points’ world.

So why had an innocent woman died on my goddamn watch?

I kept my gaze straight ahead, but from the periphery, I saw that Brennan had used his brain and had grouped men together by crew and by rank.

When I made it to the end of the room, Brennan approached, informing me, "I confiscated their cellphones."

"Good job,deartháir‎," I said approvingly.

He wriggled his shoulders. "Took their guns too. Not their knives though."

"You’re gonna have a blast handing them back."

He shot me a grin. "That’s for my crew to sort out."

I snorted. "Lucky them. Do the men know why they’re here?"

"I think if they did, when they saw MacMurray, they quickly recalculated shit."

"They know it’s MacMurray because he’s missing?"

"Yup. And these fuckers are bigger gossipers than teenage girls."

Nodding my understanding, I turned around to find Finn standing there.

"You need to keep your cool," he warned me.