This was the tiniest of examples, but Aidan proved himself to me again—he wasnasty.

And I was here for it. Even if this was only a small display of how deep and dirty sex with him was.

Once he’d sucked down on his fingers, he curled them around his cock. "Tell me why I should put my dick inside you?"

I was so going to load his oatmeal with salt tomorrow.

Well, today.

Later on.


I hissed out a breath as impatience exploded inside me. If I gave him what he wanted, he’d give me his dick. If I didn’t, he’d make me watch him jack off again.

God damn him.

He probably wouldn’t let me shower either.

I’d walk around covered in his cum all day—fuck, that shouldn’t make the core in my belly light up.

Every feminist fiber in my being decided that I couldn’t roll over on this one.

Icouldfight fire with fire, and it was time to use his words against him: "Because my pussy was made for you. Because I want to feel you come inside me."

As he gritted his teeth, I felt like howling with triumph, and when he clambered onto the bed and finally settled between my thighs, Ididhowl.

With a growl, his mouth was on mine, and he fucked me there much as he’d fuck my pussy. Another growl escaped him as our tongues collided, and I didn’t back down; I fought him inch for inch.

Maybe he was right. Maybe Iwasa brat. He could tie me up and restrain me, could fill my cunt full of silicone and torment me into an orgasm; I’d let him do anything he wanted to me, but when it came down to the wire, I’d always fight back.

When his dick was there, rubbing against my slickness, I bit his tongue as he thrust into me.

No warning whatsoever.

This time, I realized that my last howl wasn’t a howl at all.

I jerked my mouth away from his and screamed with just how fucking perfect his cock was inside me.

"Who does this pussy belong to?"

I sagged into the mattress—I couldn’t stop myself.

"You," I whispered on a cry, then my feminist core wailed as I begged, "It’s yours, it’s yours. Please, please, please."

His guttural, "Fuck," was like music to my ears, and he sped up, powering into me, fucking me hard and fast all while our gazes were connected.

A sense of empowerment filled me because I was restrained to the bed like a naughty brat, my legs were tied open, and my pussy belonged to him, sure, but I owned him as much as he owned me.

Then, as if he knew that, like his mind read mine, his lips quirked into a smirk before he united our mouths again.

With no clitoral stimulation, with no other touch apart from his penetration, he took me to the stars.

Only this man could do that.


I shuddered underneath him as the orgasm struck me again. Detonating behind my eyes, inflaming every nerve ending until my cries echoed around the bedroom, entwined with his low grunts, his raspy groans.

As he came inside me, I could feel the new slickness that was a result of our mutual pleasure, and I felt like fucking purring.

This pussy had gotten the cream.
