WasI pissed at being tied up?


Was I pissed at being left trussed up like a turkey?


Unequivocally, yes.


I prided myself on being able to read the room—even if, technically, it was empty right now—and I had to accept the truth.

Manipulating a man through sex was not something to be proud of.

In fact, hadn’t my producer done that at TVGM? Hadn’t Wintersen used sex as a tool until I’d honey-trapped and exposed him live on TV?

Guilt hit me, followed by mortification, which made me squirm. My wrists were already sore from tugging though, so I needed to minimize the wriggling, and I was starting to feel the strain in my thighs. Although,thatfelt good.

Really fucking good.

Better than I deserved after I tried to lead Aidan around by his dick.

I blew out a breath as I stared up at the ceiling.

"God damn, Aidan, and God damn him for knowing me too well."

This was going to end one of two ways—one: me killing him by making him suffocate via my pussy. Two: me getting a cramp in my thigh which would suck.

Because I really didn’t want that to happen, I tried to relax. But the more I relaxed, the more I became aware of the vibrator. My pussy clutched at the stuffing it wanted to be thrusting inside it, not staying still like this.

As well as Aidan knew me, I knew him though. I was justwaitingfor him to switch the damn thing on. I knew he’d do it. Knew it’d happen just when he thought I’d fallen asleep or something.

The weird anticipation stopped me from getting bored and made me hyperaware of my body in a way I’d never experienced before—and we’d been together nearly ten months now. It wasn’t right that he could make me feel like this, especially when he wasn’t here!

Every inch of me was exposed, though, my cunt spread wide, pussy lips parted, tits hypersensitive, nipples budded—


I swallowed.

My heart started pounding.

"Fuck," I rasped, aware that I was making myself wetter. "How is it he can get me like this?"

My pussy flooded with slickness, making it harder to clutch the vibrator and keep it in place. The more gravity worked against the solid weight, the harder my inner muscles had to strive to keep it inside me. Thank God I was an expert at Kegel exercises.

Eyes long adjusted to the play of shadows in here, I wriggled against the bed, twisting until I was sitting taller, my legs folded for real now as if I were practicing yoga. My arms were at an awkward position, but it eased the pressure inside my pussy. The trouble was that the new position let me see how he’d restrained me and it made me wish I could rub my clit.

"Just one little orgasm," I panted, arms working as I twisted some more. The cuffs clinked as I moved, forcing me into stillness.

If he was watching me, he could misinterpret my actions—

That was when the bastard struck.