"Some little whore?" Maxim's voice was soft, so soft that it made the sudden flurry of action all the more surprising.

One second he was standing beside me, and the next, he had Stepanov by the throat and was shoving the barrel of a gun between his lips.

"What little whore?" Brennan rumbled, the words dripping slowly from his tongue.

"He's talking about Victoria," Lyanov ground out.

I tensed. "His son touched her?"

"Da. She called me in fucking tears because she knew this had nothing to do with her and everything to do with Bratva business," Lyanov spat. "So I made it true Bratva business, Stepanov. Would you like to see what I did to your precious son?"

Stepanov's eyes flared wide as he choked on the gun, his hands raised in a surrender that would get him nowhere.

"I think you would. I think you'd like to know what I did to him to punish him. You’re a man who believes in punishments, aren't you?" Maxim hollered a Russian command, and the guy I'd met earlier, Misha, dragged out a bag.

Stepanov shrieked around the gun as Misha pulled down the zipper and out dropped a bunch of body parts.

The other man sagged as he stared at what had once been his child.

That was when I got a text.

Eoghan:Lyanov’s up to his usual tricks. Victoria received a severed hand today.

I snorted and showed the screen to Brennan whose scowl darkened.

"I should let you live. Should let you suffer with the knowledge that your fucking son died at my hands, that he was alive when I made the first cuts." Lyanov smirked at him. "Instead, you went too far. Mutiny is one thing, but you could have brought more war to our doors."

He pulled the trigger.

The noise ricocheted around the yard, and Stepanov’s brains splattered the Bentley and part of the asphalt in the vicinity.

Maxim let go of the body, turned to me, and as if he didn’t have specks of blood on his face, shirt, and hands, questioned, "We will return to business as usual?"

I nodded, but it was Brennan who demanded, "His kid hurt Victoria?"

"She said he touched her. I made him pay."

"It isn't your fucking right to make him pay," Brennan snapped. "She's my sister-in-law. She's my blood."

"And she'll be my bride. It's good that she knows to come to me for these matters."

"You know the score, Lyanov. She ain't yours until you make her fall for you."

"That will not be a problem," he said coldly. "Now, gentlemen, with that business concluded, I will have to leave you."

Behind us, Misha started collecting the body parts he’d dumped on the floor.

"Lyanov," I called out as he started to walk over toward a car whose headlights flashed on.


"You know what this place is?"

Maxim sneered, "A disgusting excuse for a fish merchant?"

"No." I stepped over to him. "There's long been a rumor that blood diamonds are coming through the docks. Smuggled inside fish. The exchange supposedly happens in the Atlantic, on fish trawlers.

"This is Bratva territory, and Stepanov gave my men leave to use this place for their plot… Maybe the talk of blood diamonds isn’t a rumor at all?"