"Two hours!" she screeched. "You can’t leave me like this for two hours."

"The bindings are tight enough to hold you but not to cut off your blood supply." I shot her a measured look as I zipped up my fly. "If you stay still and try to sleep until I get back, you’ll be fine."

"You can’t leave me like this!"

I arched a brow at her as I reached down and quickly fingered her clit which had her groaning.

"I think you’re wetter than ever."

She hissed at me, "You bastard."

"My parents were definitely married when I was conceived," I taunted her, pulling back with a smirk.

I straightened myself and headed over to the bathroom to wash my hands. After, I veered into the closet and switched off the light.

Her shrill snarls of—"I’ll get you back for this!" "You bastard! I want your dick. Give it to me now!" "I’ll make you pay for this. Fuck me, baby. Please. Fuck me."—only rammed home the importance of this lesson.

As I entered the bedroom, I paused at the foot of the bed to stare down at her squirming self.

Glowering at me as she fidgeted, I studied her ripe curves, how her tits jiggled, her gleaming pussy, and I asked quietly, "Hard limit?"

She blinked at me.

Her nostrils flared.

Her head jerked to the side and away from me.

I had my answer.


"Words, little one."

"Not a hard limit," she spat at me.

Rounding the bed to get my cells, seeing a couple missed calls from Brennan, I headed over to the door, tapping out an apology about the delay to him, and said, "Lights off."

"Aidan," she screamed as if she hadn’t just told me she was more than down for this. "You get back here and fuck me right this instant!"

"Love you too, little one," I called back, lips quirking as she released a roar of outrage that made my dick harden. Again.

As I opened the door, she let loose another screech, and I wanted to both laughandrage because she was like fucking fire in this mood and my mind was definitely not on work.

Before I had the chance to cave in and retreat to the bedroom, I came face to face with my brother.

I immediately scowled. "The fuck are you doing here, Kid?"

He looked like shit—a combination of Lodestar, his girlfriend-but-not, doing a fucking runner and Da’s death.

Savannah let me know her fury once more by shrieking, "Get your dick back here and put it inside me now, Aidan O’Donnelly Jr.!"

Conor’s brows lifted as I quickly closed the door behind me. "Da owned Queens of Heart?"

Ignoring another roar from my wife who sure as hell had a set of pipes on her, I narrowed my eyes at him. "You know, you listening into our calls is getting pretty fucking tiring."

"My job."

"Wasyour job. Past tense."