We’d only learned this yesterday after the will reading. Ma had gotten a letter from Da, and when Conor had to medicate her, he’d found that letter and had shared its contents with us.

"The person who shot him had a grudge against Ma. Da chose to sacrifice himself for her."

It was difficult to be mad at him for that, especially knowing that it had killed two birds with one stone—ALS was a fucking horrendous disease.

But ALS aside, I’d do the same for Savvie. I’d set myself up to take a bullet to protect her in a heartbeat.

It was like she heard methinkthat. Because, suddenly, she was on top of me, her legs straddling mine, her knees pinning me in place.

"Don’t you dare do that for me," she growled.

"What? Protect you with my life?" I scoffed. "Bet your sweet ass I will."

She slapped my chest. "No! Aidan! NO. I don’t want you to do that. I don’t—"

Before she could get riled up, I shocked her by twisting us around. In a flash, she was on her back, I was between her legs, and her arms were overhead, wrists cuffed with one of my hands. The other went to her throat, and I used that hold to tilt her head back so that she was looking straight into my fucking eyes as I snarled, "There is no ending to our story where I don’t sacrifice myself to protect you, Savannah. You aremy wife.My vows weren’t goddamn throwaway—"

"You didn’t vow to take a bullet for me. Just like I didn’t vow toobeyyou."

I hissed beneath my breath. "I never asked for you to obey. Not just because I know that’d be fucking impossible for you. I don’t need you to obey. Because this is my decision. You can’t control what I do, Savannah."

She burst into tears again, but before I even had the chance to sigh, her mouth was on mine, her tongue thrusting between my lips. Her hips squirmed so that her bare pussy was grinding against my denim-covered fly, and her feet dug into my ass for more pressure.

In less than thirty seconds, I went from being irrationally angry at her inability to understand what it meant when I married her to wanting to fuck her senseless.

I didnothave time for this, but that didn’t stop me from arching up, slipping a hand between us, and dragging down my zipper.

With zero hesitation, my dick was in my fist and I rubbed the tip against her clit—she was drenched and it made the passage of my shaft through her folds feel that much better.

"Goddammit, little one," I growled against her mouth, pulling back to bite her bottom lip as I ground into her. "Why are you always so wet for me?"

"Fuck," she whimpered, her head bowing back to my ravenous gaze.

I dipped down and sucked hard on the join between shoulder and throat as I started to rock my cock again.

The shit she did to me, the way she made me fucking feel—I’d never felt this alive before.Ever.

She was like an electric shock to my heart every day.

And I wasn’t inside her yet!

As I ground my pelvis into her, the pressure from the coarse fabric had her sobbing, and when I gave her a bite that’d bruise by the morning, I moved back to stare down into her eyes.

Every single time I rubbed her clit with the tip of my cock, I punctuated each word:

"You. Are. Mine. To. Protect. Little. One."

"I don’t want you to. I don’t want to be without you—"

"You. Won’t. Be. Without. Me."

"You don’t know that," she cried out, her face burrowing under my chin as she writhed beneath me.

Which was when I stopped grinding into her.

Horror filled me when more tears collided with my skin, leaving ghostly trails to drip down my neck.

"Are you just trying to stop me from leaving?"